[KNYGA][B] Separation of variables and exact solutions to nonlinear PDEs

AD Polyanin, AI Zhurov - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Separation of Variables and Exact Solutions to Nonlinear PDEs is devoted to describing and
applying methods of generalized and functional separation of variables used to find exact …

On the generalized time fractional diffusion equation: symmetry analysis, conservation laws, optimal system and exact solutions

JG Liu, XJ Yang, YY Feng, HY Zhang - International Journal of …, 2020 - World Scientific
Under study in this paper is a time fractional generalized nonlinear diffusion equation which
can be better to express diffusion phenomena than diffusion equation of integer order …

Generalization of the algebraic method of group classification with application to nonlinear wave and elliptic equations

OO Vaneeva, A Bihlo, RO Popovych - Communications in Nonlinear …, 2020 - Elsevier
Enhancing and essentially generalizing previous results on a class of (1+ 1)-dimensional
nonlinear wave and elliptic equations, we apply several new techniques to classify …

Complete group classification of a class of nonlinear wave equations

A Bihlo, E Dos Santos Cardoso-Bihlo… - Journal of mathematical …, 2012 - pubs.aip.org
. In this paper the partial preliminary group classification of a class of nonlinear wave
equations was carried out via the classification of one-dimensional Lie symmetry extensions …

Local and nonlocal symmetries for nonlinear telegraph equation

GW Bluman, T Temuerchaolu… - Journal of mathematical …, 2005 - pubs.aip.org
In this paper, local and nonlocal symmetry classifications are considered for four equivalent
nonlinear telegraph equations. A complete potential symmetry classification of a scalar …

Group classification and exact solutions of nonlinear wave equations

V Lahno, R Zhdanov, O Magda - Acta Applicandae Mathematica, 2006 - Springer
We perform complete group classification of the general class of quasi linear wave
equations in two variables. This class may be seen as a broad generalization of the …

Construction of functional separable solutions in implicit form for non-linear Klein–Gordon type equations with variable coefficients

AD Polyanin - International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2019 - Elsevier
The paper deals with non-linear Klein–Gordon type equations c (x) utt=[a (x) f (u) ux] x+ b (x)
g (u). The direct method for constructing functional separable solutions in implicit form to non …

Benjamin–Bona–Mahony (BBM) equation with variable coefficients: similarity reductions and Painlevé analysis

K Singh, RK Gupta, S Kumar - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011 - Elsevier
The Lie-group formalism is applied to investigate the symmetries of the Benjamin–Bona–
Mahony (BBM) equation with variable coefficients. We derive the infinitesimals and the …

[PDF][PDF] Lie-group analysis of radiative and magnetic field effects on free convection and mass transfer flow past a semi-infinite vertical flat plate.

F Ibrahim, M Mansour, MAA Hamad - Electronic Journal of Differential …, 2005 - eudml.org
In this paper, we discuss similarity reductions for problems of radiative and magnetic field
effects on free-convection and mass-transfer flow past a semi-infinite vertical flat plate. Two …

Group analysis and exact solutions of a class of variable coefficient nonlinear telegraph equations

D Huang, NM Ivanova - Journal of mathematical physics, 2007 - pubs.aip.org
A complete group classification of a class of variable coefficient (1+ 1)-dimensional
telegraph equations f (x) utt=(H (u) ux) x+ K (u) ux⁠, is given, by using a compatibility …