Transformations of visuospatial images
JM Zacks, P Michelon - Behavioral and cognitive …, 2005 - journals.sagepub.com
Transformations of visuospatial mental images are important for action, navigation, and
reasoning. They depend on representations in multiple spatial reference frames …
reasoning. They depend on representations in multiple spatial reference frames …
Cognitive-vestibular interactions: a review of patient difficulties and possible mechanisms
DA Hanes, G McCollum - Journal of vestibular research, 2006 - journals.sagepub.com
Cognitive deficits such as poor concentration and short-term memory loss are known by
clinicians to occur frequently among patients with vestibular abnormalities. Although direct …
clinicians to occur frequently among patients with vestibular abnormalities. Although direct …
Allocentric and egocentric spatial representations: Definitions, distinctions, and interconnections
RL Klatzky - Spatial cognition: An interdisciplinary approach to …, 1998 - Springer
Although the literatures on human spatial cognition and animal navigation often make
distinctions between egocentric and allocentric (also called exocentric or geocentric) …
distinctions between egocentric and allocentric (also called exocentric or geocentric) …
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Spatial knowledge acquisition from maps and from navigation in real and virtual environments
In this study, the nature of the spatial representations of an environment acquired from maps,
navigation, and virtual environments (VEs) was assessed. Participants first learned the …
navigation, and virtual environments (VEs) was assessed. Participants first learned the …
Spatial updating of self-position and orientation during real, imagined, and virtual locomotion
Two studies investigated updating of self-position and heading during real, imagined, and
simulated locomotion. Subjects were exposed to a two-segment path with a turn between …
simulated locomotion. Subjects were exposed to a two-segment path with a turn between …
[КНИГА][B] Making space: The development of spatial representation and reasoning
N Newcombe, J Huttenlocher - 2000 - books.google.com
Spatial competence is a central aspect of human adaptation. To understand human
cognitive functioning, we must understand how people code the locations of things, how …
cognitive functioning, we must understand how people code the locations of things, how …
The embodied nature of spatial perspective taking: Embodied transformation versus sensorimotor interference
K Kessler, LA Thomson - Cognition, 2010 - Elsevier
Humans are able to mentally adopt the spatial perspective of others and understand the
world from their point of view. We propose that spatial perspective taking (SPT) could have …
world from their point of view. We propose that spatial perspective taking (SPT) could have …
Locomotion mode affects the updating of objects encountered during travel: The contribution of vestibular and proprioceptive inputs to path integration
In two experiments, subjects traveled through virtual mazes, encountering target objects
along the way. Their task was to indicate the direction to these target objects from a terminal …
along the way. Their task was to indicate the direction to these target objects from a terminal …
Systems of spatial reference in human memory
Seven experiments examined the spatial reference systems used in memory to represent
the locations of objects in the environment. Participants learned the locations of common …
the locations of objects in the environment. Participants learned the locations of common …