Towards systematic parallelization of graph transformations over pregel

LD Tung, Z Hu - International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2017‏ - Springer
Graphs can be used to model many kinds of data, from traditional datasets to social
networks or semi-structured datasets. To process large graphs, many systems have been …

Any-k: Anytime top-k tree pattern retrieval in labeled graphs

X Yang, D Ajwani, W Gatterbauer… - Proceedings of the …, 2018‏ -
Many problems in areas as diverse as recommendation systems, social network analysis,
semantic search, and distributed root cause analysis can be modeled as pattern search on …

A hybrid index for distance queries

J Wang, S Anirban, T Amagasa, H Shiokawa… - … Engineering–WISE 2020 …, 2020‏ - Springer
Shortest distance queries not only find important applications in real-word systems, it is also
the foundation for numerous other graph analysis problems. State-of-the-art techniques for …

A reachability-based theoretical framework for modeling and querying complex probabilistic graph data

A Cuzzocrea, P Serafino - 2012 IEEE International Conference …, 2012‏ -
Probabilistic graph data arise in a plethora of modern applications ranging from sensor
networks to RDF query tools and IP-network monitoring systems. This is due to the fact that …

[PDF][PDF] Processing UnQL Graph Queries with Pregel

LD Tung, C Li, X Meng, Z Hu - 日本ソフトウェア科学会大会論文集, 2015‏ -
Pregel is a programming model proposed by Google to process large graphs. It is inspired
by the Bulk Synchronous Parallel model by which the same computation instructions are …

Hypertree decompositions

Á Carranza Cisneros - 2021‏ -
Abstract" The use of the computer has become an instrument of great value in all areas of
knowledge and, as expected, computing devices cannot be separated from the software …

Probabilistic pattern queries over complex probabilistic graphs

A Cuzzocrea, P Serafino - Proceedings of the 2012 Joint EDBT/ICDT …, 2012‏ -
This paper introduces probabilistic pattern queries over complex probabilistic graphs, a
theoretical graph model proposed by us recently for dealing with complex probabilistic …

基于树分解结构的 Top-k 最短路径查询算法

崇昊旻, 陈合 - 计算机与现代化, 2013‏ -
基于树分解原理及性质, 本文运用启发式树分解方法将图转换为树结构, 并对分解树进行预处理,
在这些预存储的索引信息中查询Top-k 最短路径. 将树分解索引结构应用到Yen 算法 …