[HTML][HTML] Insights into the interactions among roots, rhizosphere, and rhizobacteria for improving plant growth and tolerance to abiotic stresses: a review
Abiotic stresses, such as drought, salinity, heavy metals, variations in temperature, and
ultraviolet (UV) radiation, are antagonistic to plant growth and development, resulting in an …
ultraviolet (UV) radiation, are antagonistic to plant growth and development, resulting in an …
Enabling sustainable agriculture through understanding and enhancement of microbiomes
Harnessing plant‐associated microbiomes offers an invaluable strategy to help agricultural
production become more sustainable while also meeting growing demands for food, feed …
production become more sustainable while also meeting growing demands for food, feed …
Host-mediated gene engineering and microbiome-based technology optimization for sustainable agriculture and environment
The agricultural sector and environmental safety both work hand in hand to promote
sustainability in important issues like soil health, plant nutrition, food safety, and security …
sustainability in important issues like soil health, plant nutrition, food safety, and security …
Grapevine rootstock and soil microbiome interactions: Keys for a resilient viticulture
R Darriaut, V Lailheugue… - Horticulture …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Soil microbiota has increasingly been shown to play an integral role in viticulture resilience.
The emergence of new metagenomic and culturomic technologies has led to significant …
The emergence of new metagenomic and culturomic technologies has led to significant …
[HTML][HTML] Current techniques to study beneficial plant-microbe interactions
Many different experimental approaches have been applied to elaborate and study the
beneficial interactions between soil bacteria and plants. Some of these methods focus on …
beneficial interactions between soil bacteria and plants. Some of these methods focus on …
Endophytic microbial assemblage in grapevine
The plant vascular system has remained an underexplored niche despite its potential for
hosting beneficial microbes. The aim of this work was to determine the origin of the microbial …
hosting beneficial microbes. The aim of this work was to determine the origin of the microbial …
Perspective and guidelines for metaproteomics in microbiome studies
The microbiome is emerging as a prominent factor affecting human health, and its dysbiosis
is associated with various diseases. Compositional profiling of microbiome is increasingly …
is associated with various diseases. Compositional profiling of microbiome is increasingly …
Microbial dysbiosis in roots and rhizosphere of grapevines experiencing decline is associated with active metabolic functions
R Darriaut, T Marzari, V Lailheugue, J Tran… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
When grapevine decline, characterized by a premature decrease in vigor and yield and
sometimes plant death, cannot be explained by pathological or physiological diseases, one …
sometimes plant death, cannot be explained by pathological or physiological diseases, one …
Bioprospecting microbiome for soil and plant health management amidst huanglongbing threat in citrus: A review
Microorganisms have dynamic and complex interactions with their hosts. Diverse microbial
communities residing near, on, and within the plants, called phytobiome, are an essential …
communities residing near, on, and within the plants, called phytobiome, are an essential …
[HTML][HTML] Characterization of chenopodin isoforms from quinoa seeds and assessment of their potential anti-inflammatory activity in caco-2 cells
Several food-derived molecules, including proteins and peptides, can show bioactivities
toward the promotion of well-being and disease prevention in humans. There is still a lack of …
toward the promotion of well-being and disease prevention in humans. There is still a lack of …