Develo** real option game models

A Azevedo, D Paxson - European Journal of Operational Research, 2014 - Elsevier
By mixing concepts from both game theoretic analysis and real options theory, an
investment decision in a competitive market can be seen as a “game” between firms, as …

An option game model applicable to multi-agent cooperation investment in energy storage projects

M Zhang, J Nie, B Su, L Liu - Energy Economics, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper proposes an option game model that is applicable to multi-agent cooperation
investment in energy storage projects. A power grid enterprise and power generation …

Researcher's dilemma

C Bobtcheff, J Bolte, T Mariotti - The Review of Economic …, 2017 -
We propose and analyse a general model of priority races. Researchers privately have
breakthroughs and decide how long to let their ideas mature before disclosing them, thereby …

[КНИГА][B] Towards Better Work: Understanding labour in apparel global value chains

A Rossi, A Luinstra, J Pickles - 2014 -
Towards Better Work: Understanding labour in apparel global value chains Page 1
ADVANCES IN LABOUR STUDIES Edited by Arianna Rossi, Amy Luinstra and John Pickles …

Nash equilibria of threshold type for two-player nonzero-sum games of stop**

T De Angelis, G Ferrari, J Moriarty - 2018 -
This paper analyses two-player nonzero-sum games of optimal stop** on a class of linear
regular diffusions with not nonsingular boundary behaviour [in the sense of Itô and McKean …

The price-bidding strategy for investors in a renewable auction: An option games–based study

L Zhu, L Li, B Su - Energy Economics, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper presents a preemption game model based on real option theory to analyze the
optimal bidding price for investors participating in a renewable auction. We studied how …

Survival versus profit maximization in a dynamic stochastic experiment

R Oprea - Econometrica, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Subjects in a laboratory experiment withdraw earnings from a cash reserve evolving
according to an arithmetic Brownian motion in near‐continuous time. Aggressive withdrawal …

Public information precision and coordination failure: An experiment

S Banerjee, M Maier - Journal of Accounting research, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
More precise public disclosure reduces uncertainty about economic fundamentals, but it can
increase uncertainty about other agents' actions, leading to coordination failure. We …

Rushes in large timing games

A Anderson, L Smith, A Park - Econometrica, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
We develop a continuum player timing game that subsumes standard wars of attrition and
pre‐emption games, and introduces a new rushes phenomenon. Payoffs are continuous …

Voting for experimentation: A continuous time analysis

S Hudja - Available at SSRN 3473426, 2019 -
This paper uses a laboratory experiment to analyze how a group of voters experiment with a
new reform. The experiment implements the continuous time Strulovici (2010) collective …