[HTML][HTML] Populism, political risk, and pandemics: The challenges of political leadership for business in a post-COVID world
The examination of political risk, political uncertainty, and political institutions in the
international business literature has, not unexpectedly, been shaped by the prevailing …
international business literature has, not unexpectedly, been shaped by the prevailing …
New Paths for Selecting Political Elites
Names: Sandri, Giulia, editor.| Seddone, Antonella, editor. Title: New paths for selecting
political elites: investigating the impact of inclusive candidate and party leader selection …
political elites: investigating the impact of inclusive candidate and party leader selection …
Digitalization in candidate selection. Support and resistance within established political parties in Germany
The digitalization of human life has impacted many aspects of politics in the last two
decades. Intra-party decision-making is one of them. While new political parties appear to be …
decades. Intra-party decision-making is one of them. While new political parties appear to be …
[CARTE][B] Élites, radicalismo y democracia: un estudio comparado sobre América Latina
A Bohigues - 2021 - books.google.com
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el papel de las élites políticas en las variedades
de democracia, con evidencias de 18 democracias latinoamericanas en el período 1995 …
de democracia, con evidencias de 18 democracias latinoamericanas en el período 1995 …
More free-floating, less outward-looking: How more inclusive candidate selection procedures (could) matter
D Schindler - Party Politics, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
In the face of the trend toward more participatory candidate nomination methods, studies
increasingly focus on its consequences for the selection outcome. Yet, this literature has …
increasingly focus on its consequences for the selection outcome. Yet, this literature has …
Strategies of the party selectorate: the two-level game in district selections in Germany's mixed member electoral system
M Reiser - Frontiers in Political Science, 2022 - frontiersin.org
The article investigates how the opportunity structure and contextual factors influence the
selectorates' strategies in the process of candidate selection. The article argues that these …
selectorates' strategies in the process of candidate selection. The article argues that these …
The social profile of Spanish elites following the Great Recession
M Portillo-Pérez, P Domínguez - Political Representation in …, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter studies the effect of the Great Recession on Spanish democracy in three
aspects: the impact on the party system, the changes produced in the social profile of …
aspects: the impact on the party system, the changes produced in the social profile of …
The informal rules of candidate selection and their impact on intra-party competition
M Reiser - Party Politics, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
While the literature highlights the relevance of informal rules for candidate selection,
empirical research has mainly focused on formal rules and procedures. This article …
empirical research has mainly focused on formal rules and procedures. This article …
New, but Not More Diverse?
E Bakke - Politologický časopis-Czech Journal of Political …, 2022 - ceeol.com
Across Europe, new parties challenge more established parties and are challenged by even
newer parties. The 'new party'literature focuses on why they succeed or fail, and whether …
newer parties. The 'new party'literature focuses on why they succeed or fail, and whether …
The art of self-selection or the intervention of the voters? The 2023 election and the shifting social bias of Slovak parliamentary elites since 2006
E Bakke - Politologický časopis-Czech Journal of Political …, 2024 - ceeol.com
Recent research has shown a trend towards more participatory nomination procedures in
new as well as more established parties. However, in Slovakia most politically relevant …
new as well as more established parties. However, in Slovakia most politically relevant …