Remote sensing of diverse urban environments: From the single city to multiple cities
Remote sensing of urban environments has unveiled a significant shift from single-city
investigations to the inclusion of multiple cities. Originated from the ideas of the Remote …
investigations to the inclusion of multiple cities. Originated from the ideas of the Remote …
Co-occurrence of urban heat and the COVID-19: Impacts, drivers, methods, and implications for the post-pandemic era
Cities, the main place of human settlements, are under various mega challenges such as
climate change, population increase, economic growth, urbanization, and pandemic …
climate change, population increase, economic growth, urbanization, and pandemic …
Influence of non-urban reference delineation on trend estimate of surface urban heat island intensity: A comparison of seven methods
Increasing concern over urban heat mitigation creates an emerging necessity to track the
evolution of urban heat island intensity (UHII) to assess the effectiveness of existing plans in …
evolution of urban heat island intensity (UHII) to assess the effectiveness of existing plans in …
Characteristics of surface urban heat islands in global cities of different scales: Trends and drivers
X Deng, W Yu, J Shi, Y Huang, D Li, X He… - Sustainable Cities and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Given the increasing severity of the surface urban heat island (SUHI) phenomenon, urban
residents face heightened heat stress. Consequently, mitigating the effects of SUHI becomes …
residents face heightened heat stress. Consequently, mitigating the effects of SUHI becomes …
[HTML][HTML] Monitoring diurnal dynamics of surface urban heat island for urban agglomerations using ECOSTRESS land surface temperature observations
Y Chang, J ** of urban thermal anisotropy reveals substantial potential biases for remotely sensed urban climates
Urban thermal anisotropy (UTA) drastically impacts satellite-derived urban surface
temperatures and fluxes, and consequently makes it difficult to gain a more comprehensive …
temperatures and fluxes, and consequently makes it difficult to gain a more comprehensive …
Satellite clear‐sky observations overestimate surface urban heat islands in humid cities
Satellite‐based thermal infrared (TIR) land surface temperature (LST) is hindered by cloud
cover and is applicable solely under clear‐sky conditions for estimating surface urban heat …
cover and is applicable solely under clear‐sky conditions for estimating surface urban heat …
Influence of urban extent discrepancy on the estimation of surface urban heat island intensity: A global-scale assessment in 892 cities
The estimation of surface urban heat island intensity (SUHII) is crucial for studying the urban
thermal environment, which is influenced not only by the commonly known definition of rural …
thermal environment, which is influenced not only by the commonly known definition of rural …
Role of local climate zones and urban ventilation in canopy urban heat island–heatwave interaction in Nan**g megacity, China
Different local climate zones (LCZs) and wind speeds (WSs) increase the uncertainties
related to canopy urban heat island (CUHI), heat waves (HWs), and their interactions …
related to canopy urban heat island (CUHI), heat waves (HWs), and their interactions …