[HTML][HTML] Castles built on sand or predictive limnology in action? Part A: Evaluation of an integrated modelling framework to guide adaptive management …
We present a technical analysis of all the recent modelling work that has been conducted to
support the adaptive management process in Lake Erie; the most biologically productive …
support the adaptive management process in Lake Erie; the most biologically productive …
The changing face of winter: lessons and questions from the Laurentian Great Lakes
Among its many impacts, climate warming is leading to increasing winter air temperatures,
decreasing ice cover extent, and changing winter precipitation patterns over the Laurentian …
decreasing ice cover extent, and changing winter precipitation patterns over the Laurentian …
Environmental biology of percid fishes
The large percids, including Perca and Sander species, are economically and ecologically
important species that inhabit large temperature regions of the Northern Hemisphere. In this …
important species that inhabit large temperature regions of the Northern Hemisphere. In this …
[PDF][PDF] Declining recruitment of lake whitefish to fisheries
We conducted a review of the physical and biological processes that affect recruitment of
Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) to commercial fisheries in the Laurentian Great …
Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) to commercial fisheries in the Laurentian Great …
Predicting walleye recruitment as a tool for prioritizing management actions
We classified walleye (Sander vitreus) recruitment with 81% accuracy (recruitment success
and failure predicted correctly in 84% and 78% of lake-years, respectively) using a random …
and failure predicted correctly in 84% and 78% of lake-years, respectively) using a random …
Fifty years later: trophic ecology and niche overlap of a native and non-indigenous fish species in the western basin of Lake Erie
Since the introduction of white perch (Morone americana) into Lake Erie over 50 years ago,
the population size of native yellow perch (Perca flavescens) has decreased up to 79% and …
the population size of native yellow perch (Perca flavescens) has decreased up to 79% and …
Maternal influences on population dynamics: evidence from an exploited freshwater fish
We used a field experiment, population modeling, and an analysis of 30 years of data from
walleye (Sander vitreus; a freshwater fish) in Lake Erie to show that maternal influences on …
walleye (Sander vitreus; a freshwater fish) in Lake Erie to show that maternal influences on …
Do US anglers care about harmful algal blooms? A discrete choice experiment of Lake Erie recreational anglers
Despite the growing awareness of harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the United States and
abroad, estimates of welfare losses due to their presence are missing from the literature …
abroad, estimates of welfare losses due to their presence are missing from the literature …
Walleye inland lake habitat: considerations for successful natural recruitment and stocking in North Central North America
JK Raabe, JA VanDeHey, DL Zentner… - Lake and Reservoir …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Raabe JK, VanDeHey JA, Zentner DL, Cross TK, Sass GG. 2019. Walleye inland
lake habitat: considerations for successful natural recruitment and stocking in North Central …
lake habitat: considerations for successful natural recruitment and stocking in North Central …
Portfolio theory as a management tool to guide conservation and restoration of multi‐stock fish populations
Habitat degradation and harvest have upset the natural buffering mechanism (ie, portfolio
effects) of many large‐scale multi‐stock fisheries by reducing spawning stock diversity that is …
effects) of many large‐scale multi‐stock fisheries by reducing spawning stock diversity that is …