Causes and consequences of adolescent dating violence: A systematic review
Background: Adolescent dating violence (ADV) is highly prevalent and can have serious
health consequences, including homicides, and be a predictor of intimate partner violence in …
health consequences, including homicides, and be a predictor of intimate partner violence in …
A meta-analysis of risk and protective factors for dating violence victimization: The role of family and peer interpersonal context
Dating violence (DV) is a widespread social issue that has numerous deleterious
repercussions on youths' health. Family and peer risk factors for DV have been widely …
repercussions on youths' health. Family and peer risk factors for DV have been widely …
Feeling unsafe at school and associated mental health difficulties among children and adolescents: A systematic review
Y Mori, E Tiiri, P Khanal, J Khakurel, K Mishina… - Children, 2021 - mdpi.com
This study systematically reviewed the literature on perceived school safety. We investigated
the prevalence, factors and associated mental health difficulties, as well as cross-cultural …
the prevalence, factors and associated mental health difficulties, as well as cross-cultural …
A three-step latent class analysis to identify how different patterns of teen dating violence and psychosocial factors influence mental health
Although multiple forms (ie, physical, threatening, psychological, sexual, and relational
abuse) and patterns (ie, perpetration and victimization) of violence can co-occur, most …
abuse) and patterns (ie, perpetration and victimization) of violence can co-occur, most …
Risk markers for physical teen dating violence victimization in the United States: A meta-analysis
Teen dating violence is a serious health concern in the United States. The goal of this study
was to synthesize the current knowledge of risk markers for physical teen dating violence …
was to synthesize the current knowledge of risk markers for physical teen dating violence …
Risk markers for physical teen dating violence perpetration: A meta-analysis
Teen dating violence (TDV) is a common problem among adolescents and has been linked
to various negative outcomes. This study used Dutton's nested ecological theory to examine …
to various negative outcomes. This study used Dutton's nested ecological theory to examine …
Peer victimization and dating violence victimization: The mediating role of loneliness, depressed mood, and life satisfaction
Peer victimization and dating violence victimization have serious negative effects on
adolescents' health, and they seem to be related. However, the mediating processes in this …
adolescents' health, and they seem to be related. However, the mediating processes in this …
[HTML][HTML] Familia, escuela y comunidad en relación a la violencia escolar en secundaria: Revisión sistemática
El objetivo fue dar a conocer los estudios que se han realizado desde el 2014 al 2019,
donde se relacionan variables contextúales del estudiante de secundaria con la violencia …
donde se relacionan variables contextúales del estudiante de secundaria con la violencia …
School‐based interventions for preventing dating and relationship violence and gender‐based violence: A systematic review and synthesis of theories of change
School‐based interventions for preventing dating and relationship violence (DRV) and
gender‐based violence (GBV) are an important way of attempting to prevent and reduce the …
gender‐based violence (GBV) are an important way of attempting to prevent and reduce the …
School-based interventions TO prevent dating and relationship violence and gender-based violence: STOP-DRV-GBV systematic review
GJ Melendez-Torres, N Orr, C Farmer… - Public Health …, 2024 - orca.cardiff.ac.uk
Background Schools have a duty of care to prevent violence between students but a
significant amount of dating and relationship violence and gender-based violence occurs in …
significant amount of dating and relationship violence and gender-based violence occurs in …