Ruminating on soil carbon: applying current understanding to inform grazing management
Among options for atmospheric CO2 removal, sequestering soil organic carbon (SOC) via
improved grazing management is a rare opportunity because it is scalable across millions of …
improved grazing management is a rare opportunity because it is scalable across millions of …
Restoring soil fertility on degraded lands to meet food, fuel, and climate security needs via perennialization
A continuously growing pressure to increase food, fiber, and fuel production to meet
worldwide demand and achieve zero hunger has put severe pressure on soil resources …
worldwide demand and achieve zero hunger has put severe pressure on soil resources …
A global meta‐analysis of grazing impacts on soil health indicators
Grazing lands support the livelihoods of millions of people across nearly one‐half of the
globe. Soils are the backbone of stability and resilience in these systems. To determine …
globe. Soils are the backbone of stability and resilience in these systems. To determine …
Managing riparian zones for river health improvement: an integrated approach
Riparian zones are among the most valuable ecosystems on the earth. They act as the
ecological engineers that improve river health through delivering a range of ecosystem …
ecological engineers that improve river health through delivering a range of ecosystem …
Climate change mitigation as a co-benefit of regenerative ranching: insights from Australia and the United States
'Managed grazing'is gaining attention for its potential to contribute to climate change
mitigation by reducing bare ground and promoting perennialization, thereby enhancing soil …
mitigation by reducing bare ground and promoting perennialization, thereby enhancing soil …
[ספר][B] The real cost of cheap food
M Carolan - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
This thought-provoking but accessible book critically examines the dominant food regime on
its own terms, by seriously asking whether we can afford cheap food and by exploring what …
its own terms, by seriously asking whether we can afford cheap food and by exploring what …
Opportunities to apply precision livestock management on rangelands
Precision livestock management has become a new field of study as the result of recent
advancements in real-time global positioning system (GPS) tracking, accelerometer and …
advancements in real-time global positioning system (GPS) tracking, accelerometer and …
A half century of Holistic Management: what does the evidence reveal?
Holistic Management (HM) is a decision-making framework based on triple bottom line
thinking and a proactive approach to managing complexity. Primarily associated with an …
thinking and a proactive approach to managing complexity. Primarily associated with an …
[HTML][HTML] Climate change, rangelands, and sustainability of ranching in the Western United States
Accelerated climate change is a global challenge that is increasingly putting pressure on the
sustainability of livestock production systems that heavily depend on rangeland ecosystems …
sustainability of livestock production systems that heavily depend on rangeland ecosystems …
Riparian zone assessment and management: An integrated review using geospatial technology
Riparian zones act as ecological engineers through stream bank stabilization, pollutant
buffering, energy provision to food webs, and groundwater recharge. In the ongoing …
buffering, energy provision to food webs, and groundwater recharge. In the ongoing …