[HTML][HTML] How the visual aspects can be crucial in reading acquisition: The intriguing case of crowding and developmental dyslexia
Developmental dyslexia (DD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder (about
10% of children across cultures) characterized by severe difficulties in learning to read …
10% of children across cultures) characterized by severe difficulties in learning to read …
Neurogenetics of developmental dyslexia: from genes to behavior through brain neuroimaging and cognitive and sensorial mechanisms
Developmental dyslexia (DD) is a complex neurodevelopmental deficit characterized by
impaired reading acquisition, in spite of adequate neurological and sensorial conditions …
impaired reading acquisition, in spite of adequate neurological and sensorial conditions …
Multiple causal links between magnocellular–dorsal pathway deficit and developmental dyslexia
Although impaired auditory–phonological processing is the most popular explanation of
developmental dyslexia (DD), the literature shows that the combination of several causes …
developmental dyslexia (DD), the literature shows that the combination of several causes …
Action video games normalise the phonemic awareness in pre-readers at risk for developmental dyslexia
Action video-games (AVGs) could improve reading efficiency, enhancing not only visual
attention but also phonological processing. Here we tested the AVG effects upon three …
attention but also phonological processing. Here we tested the AVG effects upon three …
Neural noise hypothesis of developmental dyslexia
Developmental dyslexia (decoding-based reading disorder; RD) is a complex trait with
multifactorial origins at the genetic, neural, and cognitive levels. There is evidence that low …
multifactorial origins at the genetic, neural, and cognitive levels. There is evidence that low …
Dyslexia as a multi-deficit disorder: Working memory and auditory temporal processing
L Fostick, H Revah - Acta psychologica, 2018 - Elsevier
Dyslexia is difficulty in acquiring reading skills despite adequate intelligence and sufficient
reading opportunities. Its origin is still under debate. Studies usually focus on a singular …
reading opportunities. Its origin is still under debate. Studies usually focus on a singular …
Genetic and environmental risk factors for developmental dyslexia in children: systematic review of the last decade
Despite advances in the characterization of developmental dyslexia (DD), several questions
regarding the interplay between DD-susceptibility genes and environmental risk factors …
regarding the interplay between DD-susceptibility genes and environmental risk factors …
Problems with visual statistical learning in developmental dyslexia
Previous research shows that dyslexic readers are impaired in their recognition of faces and
other complex objects, and show hypoactivation in ventral visual stream regions that support …
other complex objects, and show hypoactivation in ventral visual stream regions that support …
Magnocellular-dorsal pathway and sub-lexical route in developmental dyslexia
S Gori, P Cecchini, A Bigoni, M Molteni… - Frontiers in human …, 2014 - frontiersin.org
Although developmental dyslexia (DD) is frequently associate with a phonological deficit,
the underlying neurobiological cause remains undetermined. Recently, a new model, called …
the underlying neurobiological cause remains undetermined. Recently, a new model, called …
[HTML][HTML] Morphological differences in the lateral geniculate nucleus associated with dyslexia
Developmental dyslexia is a common learning disability characterized by normal
intelligence but difficulty in skills associated with reading, writing and spelling. One of the …
intelligence but difficulty in skills associated with reading, writing and spelling. One of the …