[HTML][HTML] Chemo-hydro-mechanical effects of CO2 injection on reservoir and seal rocks: A review on laboratory experiments
Geological carbon storage is one of the technologies required to arrive at the ambitious yet
realistic net-zero emission target and climate change neutrality. Injected CO 2 in geological …
realistic net-zero emission target and climate change neutrality. Injected CO 2 in geological …
Reactive chemical transport simulations of geologic carbon sequestration: Methods and applications
Chemical reaction simulations are considerably used to quantitatively assess the long-term
geologic carbon sequestration (GCS), such as CO 2 sequestration capacity estimations …
geologic carbon sequestration (GCS), such as CO 2 sequestration capacity estimations …
Mechano-chemical interactions in sedimentary rocks in the context of CO2 storage: Weak acid, weak effects?
Due to the corrosive nature of dissolved CO 2, the potential short or long term alteration of
rock properties, represents a major issue in several sites where natural CO 2 circulation is …
rock properties, represents a major issue in several sites where natural CO 2 circulation is …
Effects of CO2 on the mineralogy, mechanical, and transport properties of rocks
CO 2 sequestration has proven to be an attractive way to combat global warming. However,
due to the corrosive nature of CO 2, chemical reactions between CO 2 and the host rock can …
due to the corrosive nature of CO 2, chemical reactions between CO 2 and the host rock can …
[HTML][HTML] Microstructure changes as a response to CO2 storage in sedimentary rocks: Recent developments and future challenges
Due to the complexity of sedimentary rocks, especially the fine-grained and highly-
heterogeneous nature of some argillaceous caprocks in the subsurface, it is challenging to …
heterogeneous nature of some argillaceous caprocks in the subsurface, it is challenging to …
Geochemical mechanisms of water/CO2-rock interactions in EGS and its impacts on reservoir properties: a review
Abstract Geothermal energy from Hot Dry Rock (HDR) with poor permeability is recognized
as a potential future energy source, and it can be exploited by Enhanced Geothermal …
as a potential future energy source, and it can be exploited by Enhanced Geothermal …
Effect of acidification on microscopic properties and pore structure of coal
Acidification is a common method for removing minerals from coal. In this study, four groups
of acidification samples were evaluated: raw coal (Raw), hydrofluoric acid (HF), hydrochloric …
of acidification samples were evaluated: raw coal (Raw), hydrofluoric acid (HF), hydrochloric …
Pore‐scale simulation of carbonate dissolution in micro‐CT images
We present a particle‐based method to simulate carbonate dissolution at the pore scale
directly on the voxels of three‐dimensional micro‐CT images. The flow field is computed on …
directly on the voxels of three‐dimensional micro‐CT images. The flow field is computed on …
[HTML][HTML] 4D multi-scale imaging of reactive flow in carbonates: Assessing the impact of heterogeneity on dissolution regimes using streamlines at multiple length …
We have experimentally investigated the impact of heterogeneity on the dissolution of two
limestones, characterised by distinct degrees of flow heterogeneity at both the pore and core …
limestones, characterised by distinct degrees of flow heterogeneity at both the pore and core …
Effect of Mineral Dissolution/Precipitation and CO2 Exsolution on CO2 transport in Geological Carbon Storage
Conspectus Geological carbon sequestration (GCS) in deep saline aquifers is an effective
means for storing carbon dioxide to address global climate change. As the time after …
means for storing carbon dioxide to address global climate change. As the time after …