Review and prospect of single-shot ultrafast optical imaging by active detection
In the recent decade, single-shot ultrafast optical imaging by active detection, called single-
shot active ultrafast optical imaging (SS-AUOI) here, has made great progress, eg, with a …
shot active ultrafast optical imaging (SS-AUOI) here, has made great progress, eg, with a …
Capturing Transient Events in Series: A Review of Framing Photography
Observing transient events is of great importance for understanding fundamental principles
and further controlling the related processes. To surmount the limitations of human vision …
and further controlling the related processes. To surmount the limitations of human vision …
[HTML][HTML] High-spatial-resolution ultrafast framing imaging at 15 trillion frames per second by optical parametric amplification
We report a framing imaging based on noncollinear optical parametric amplification
(NCOPA), named FINCOPA, which applies NCOPA for the first time to single-shot ultrafast …
(NCOPA), named FINCOPA, which applies NCOPA for the first time to single-shot ultrafast …
Advances in atomic time scale imaging with a fine intrinsic spatial resolution
Atomic time scale imaging, opening a new era for studying dynamics in microcosmos, is
presently attracting immense research interest on the global level due to its powerful ability …
presently attracting immense research interest on the global level due to its powerful ability …
All-optical high spatial-temporal resolution photography with raster principle at 2 trillion frames per second
A novel single-shot ultrafast all-optical photography with raster principle (OPR) that can
capture real-time imaging of ultrafast phenomena is proposed and demonstrated. It consists …
capture real-time imaging of ultrafast phenomena is proposed and demonstrated. It consists …
Single-shot real-time imaging of ultrafast light springs
Light springs (LSs) have played essential roles in particle rotation and manipulation, optical
super-resolution imaging, and optical information coding. In related research areas, it is …
super-resolution imaging, and optical information coding. In related research areas, it is …
Twisted plasma waves driven by twisted ponderomotive force
We present results of twisted plasma waves driven by twisted ponderomotive force. With
beating of two, co-propagating, Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) orbital angular momentum (OAM) …
beating of two, co-propagating, Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) orbital angular momentum (OAM) …
[PDF][PDF] High Spatial Resolution Single-Shot Femto-Second Raster Framing Imaging Using Wavelength/Polarization-Time Encoding
Y Yang, Y Zhu, X Zeng, D He, L Gu, J Li - 2024 - preprints.org
We present a single-shot ultrafast imaging technique named wavelength/polarizationtime
encoded ultrafast raster imaging (WP-URI). This innovative method harnesses the principles …
encoded ultrafast raster imaging (WP-URI). This innovative method harnesses the principles …
Optical image rotation based on orbital angular momentum decomposition and combination
This paper theoretically presents an optical image rotation system based on orbital angular
momentum (OAM) manipulation. This system consists of two parts corresponding to OAM …
momentum (OAM) manipulation. This system consists of two parts corresponding to OAM …
[PDF][PDF] 原子时间成像研究评述 (特邀)
摘要原子时间成像开辟了微观(分子/原子) 动力学研究的新时代. 在原子水**上, 物理学,
化学和生物学的研究是统一的, 都是研究原子的运动和原子态的变化. 原子时间成像只能是全光 …
化学和生物学的研究是统一的, 都是研究原子的运动和原子态的变化. 原子时间成像只能是全光 …