Science and empiricism in pile foundation design
MF Randolph - Géotechnique, 2003 -
Scientific approaches to pile design have advanced enormously in recent decades and yet,
still, the most fundamental aspect of pile design—that of estimating the axial capacity—relies …
still, the most fundamental aspect of pile design—that of estimating the axial capacity—relies …
DEM analysis of the plugging effect of open-ended pile during the installation process
Mechanisms governing the sand plug behavior inside an open-ended pile are examined
using the discrete element method. A series of numerical pile penetration tests have been …
using the discrete element method. A series of numerical pile penetration tests have been …
Behavior of open-and closed-ended piles driven into sands
Both the driving response and static bearing capacity of open-ended piles are affected by
the soil plug that forms inside the pile during pile driving. In order to investigate the effect of …
the soil plug that forms inside the pile during pile driving. In order to investigate the effect of …
Base resistance of jacked pipe piles in sand
The paper presents the results from an experimental program carried out at Trinity College
Dublin, in which instrumented model piles were jacked into loose dry sand in a large testing …
Dublin, in which instrumented model piles were jacked into loose dry sand in a large testing …
Determination of bearing capacity of open-ended piles in sand
The bearing capacity of open-ended piles is affected by the degree of soil plugging, which is
quantified by the incremental filling ratio (IFR). There is not at present a design criterion for …
quantified by the incremental filling ratio (IFR). There is not at present a design criterion for …
Forecasting of pile plugging using machine learning
Plugging of open-ended pipe piles affects the drivability and the capacity of the pile.
Depending on their geometrical and geotechnical properties, as well as the driving …
Depending on their geometrical and geotechnical properties, as well as the driving …
Large deformation FE analysis of driven steel pipe piles with soil plugging
This paper presents the application of the Coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian (CEL) numerical
technique to simulate the driving of open-ended piles into sandy soil. The main objective of …
technique to simulate the driving of open-ended piles into sandy soil. The main objective of …
Analysis and modelling of gravity-and piston coring based on soil mechanics
LC Skinner, IN McCave - Marine Geology, 2003 - Elsevier
The effects of gravity-and piston corers on the dimensional accuracy of marine sediment
cores is analysed using principles of soil mechanics. A model for the coring process is built …
cores is analysed using principles of soil mechanics. A model for the coring process is built …
The shaft capacity of pipe piles in sand
This paper describes results from an experimental programme that investigated factors
affecting the shaft capacity of open-ended (pipe) piles in sand. A number of jacked pile …
affecting the shaft capacity of open-ended (pipe) piles in sand. A number of jacked pile …
DEM analysis of the sand plug behavior during the installation process of open-ended pile
A DEM simulation of the installation process of open-ended pile is conducted by means of
the particle flow code PFC 2D. Focus is placed on the investigation of the soil plug behavior …
the particle flow code PFC 2D. Focus is placed on the investigation of the soil plug behavior …