Ingroup favoritism in cooperation: a meta-analysis.

D Balliet, J Wu, CKW De Dreu - Psychological bulletin, 2014 -
Although theory suggests individuals are more willing to incur a personal cost to benefit
ingroup members, compared to outgroup members, there is inconsistent evidence in support …

Uncertain self in a changing world: A foundation for radicalisation, populism, and autocratic leadership

MA Hogg - European Review of Social Psychology, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
We live in a changing world that can create uncertainty about who we are, and make
extremist groups, identities and ideologies attractive to us. This article invokes uncertainty …

Social identity: The role of self in group processes and intergroup relations

MA Hogg, D Abrams… - Group Processes & …, 2017 -
Applications and conceptual developments made in social identity research since the mid-
1990s are summarized under eight general headings: types of self and identity, prototype …

[CARTE][B] Prosocial: Using evolutionary science to build productive, equitable, and collaborative groups

PWB Atkins, DS Wilson, SC Hayes - 2019 -
A groundbreaking, comprehensive program for designing effective and socially equitable
groups of all sizes—from businesses and social justice groups to global organizations …

[CARTE][B] Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer: A behavioral perspective on the consumer

RL Oliver - 2014 -
Designed for advanced MBA and doctoral courses in Consumer Behavior and Customer
Satisfaction, this is the definitive text on the meaning, causes, and consequences of …

Preferences and beliefs in ingroup favoritism

JAC Everett, NS Faber, M Crockett - Frontiers in behavioral …, 2015 -
Ingroup favoritism—the tendency to favor members of one's own group over those in other
groups—is well documented, but the mechanisms driving this behavior are not well …

Prosocial behavior: Multilevel perspectives

LA Penner, JF Dovidio, JA Piliavin… - Annu. Rev …, 2005 -
Current research on prosocial behavior covers a broad and diverse range of phenomena.
We argue that this large research literature can be best organized and understood from a …

Uncertainty–identity theory

MA Hogg - Advances in experimental social psychology, 2007 - Elsevier
While I write this chapter, millions of people in the Darfur province of Sudan have been
terrorized off their land; the entire population of Iraq has little idea what the future of their …

Self-uncertainty and group identification: Consequences for social identity, group behavior, intergroup relations, and society

MA Hogg - Advances in experimental social psychology, 2021 - Elsevier
Uncertainty is ubiquitous, and its resolution is a fundamental motivation for human behavior.
People strive to reduce uncertainty, especially uncertainties that reflect on, or are directly …

[CARTE][B] The social psychology of prosocial behavior

JF Dovidio, JA Piliavin, DA Schroeder, LA Penner - 2017 -
Written by four leading researchers in the study of prosocial behavior, this book introduces a
new perspective on prosocial behavior for the 21st century. Building on the bystander …