The brief introduction to organizational citizenship behaviors and counterproductive work behaviors: a literature review

Q Fan, W Wider, CK Chan - Frontiers in Psychology, 2023‏ -
This paper presents a literature review on the topic of organizational performance. The study
conceptualizes the overall performance of the organization as comprising of organizational …

A systematic literature review on organizational citizenship behavior: Conceptualization, antecedents, and future research directions

MA Worku, KL Debela - Cogent Business & Management, 2024‏ - Taylor & Francis
This review study investigated two main questions on organizational citizenship behavior:
first, how is OCB conceptualized in management studies? And the second question is, what …

A workplace-driven model on the formation of OCB-C: perspectives of social exchange theory and agency theory

S Xu, YC Wang, E Ma - International Journal of Contemporary …, 2022‏ -
Purpose Different from the previous organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) literature, this
study aims to propose an OCB-O (organizational citizenship behavior toward organizations) …

Islamic Work Ethics-Based Organizational Citizenship Behavior to Improve the Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Higher Education Lecturers in …

MV Romi, E Ahman, E Suryadi, A Riswanto - International Journal of Higher …, 2020‏ - ERIC
Problems of organizational citizenship behavior among academics, especially lecturers, are
something relevant in the study of the quality of an organization. The purpose of this study is …

Effects of employees' social exchange and the mediating role of customer orientation in the restaurant industry

H Kim, H Qu - International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2020‏ - Elsevier
This study aims to investigate the consequences of customer-employee exchage at work
based on the social exchange theory. Moreover, it is to understand how the social exchange …

Effect of green human resource management on green psychological climate and environmental green behavior of hotel employees: The moderator roles of …

F Uslu, A Keles, A Aytekin, O Yayla, H Keles, GS Ergun… - Sustainability, 2023‏ -
This article reports the findings of how green human resource management (GHRM)
practices can influence the perceptions of hotel employees regarding their organizations' …

Industry as contexts or theory? A systematic and meta-analysis of status and directions of organizational citizenship behaviors in hospitality

E Ma, D Wang, L Wang, A Liu - Journal of Hospitality & …, 2023‏ -
Owing to the service-oriented nature of hospitality organizations, organizational citizenship
behavior (OCB) has drawn increasing attention from hospitality researchers over the last two …

Can positive social contact encourage residents' community citizenship behavior? The role of personal benefit, sympathetic understanding, and place identity

Y Wang, B Wu, J Li, Q Yuan, N Chen - Behavioral Sciences, 2024‏ -
Identified as an increasingly pivotal aspect, the benevolent extra-role characteristic of
community citizenship behavior contributes to destination development efficiency and social …

Reenergizing through angel customers: cross-cultural validation of customer-driven employee citizenship behavior

E Ma, YC Wang, H Qu - Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2022‏ -
This study proposes and examines the role server-friendly customers play in the customer-
employee exchange stage of service encounters, and how customer-employee exchange …

Inspiring good soldiers cross-culturally through the lens of the theory of planned behavior—which works best, norms or behavioral control?

E Ma, A Hsiao, J Gao, S Vada - Journal of Hospitality and Tourism …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
Despite the growing popularity of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in hospitality, no
significant studies have examined OCB through the lens of the theory of planned behavior …