Self-trapped excitons in soft semiconductors

J Tan, D Li, J Zhu, N Han, Y Gong, Y Zhang - Nanoscale, 2022 -
Self-trapped excitons (STEs) have attracted tremendous attention due to their intriguing
properties and potential optoelectronic applications. STEs are formed from the lattice …

Electrodynamics of correlated electron materials

DN Basov, RD Averitt, D Van Der Marel, M Dressel… - Reviews of Modern …, 2011 - APS
Studies of the electromagnetic response of various classes of correlated electron materials
including transition-metal oxides, organic and molecular conductors, intermetallic …

Coherent Structural Dynamics and Electronic Correlations during an Ultrafast <?format ?>Insulator-to-Metal Phase Transition in

C Kübler, H Ehrke, R Huber, R Lopez, A Halabica… - Physical Review Letters, 2007 - APS
We directly trace the multi-THz conductivity of VO 2 during an insulator-metal transition
triggered by a 12-fs light pulse. The femtosecond dynamics of lattice and electronic degrees …

Light-driven and phonon-assisted dynamics in organic and semiconductor nanostructures

S Kilina, D Kilin, S Tretiak - Chemical reviews, 2015 - ACS Publications
Rapid advances in chemical synthesis and fabrication techniques have led to a boost in
manufacturing and design of novel nanostructured materials that exhibit unique and often …

Ultrafast insulator-metal phase transition in VO studied by multiterahertz spectroscopy

A Pashkin, C Kübler, H Ehrke, R Lopez, A Halabica… - Physical Review B …, 2011 - APS
The ultrafast photoinduced insulator-metal transition in VO 2 is studied at different
temperatures and excitation fluences using multi-THz probe pulses. The spectrally resolved …

Morphology effectively controls singlet-triplet exciton relaxation and charge transport in organic semiconductors

VK Thorsmølle, RD Averitt, J Demsar, DL Smith… - Physical Review Letters, 2009 - APS
We present a comparative study of ultrafast photoconversion dynamics in tetracene (Tc) and
pentacene (Pc) single crystals and Pc films using optical pump-probe spectroscopy …

Ultrafast mid-infrared nanoscopy of strained vanadium dioxide nanobeams

MA Huber, M Plankl, M Eisele, RE Marvel… - Nano Letters, 2016 - ACS Publications
Long regarded as a model system for studying insulator-to-metal phase transitions, the
correlated electron material vanadium dioxide (VO2) is now finding novel uses in device …

Tunneling breakdown of a strongly correlated insulating state in induced by intense multiterahertz excitation

B Mayer, C Schmidt, A Grupp, J Bühler, J Oelmann… - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
We directly trace the near-and midinfrared transmission change of a VO 2 thin film during an
ultrafast insulator-to-metal transition triggered by high-field multiterahertz transients …

Direct Observation of Self-Trapped Vibrational States in -Helices

J Edler, R Pfister, V Pouthier, C Falvo, P Hamm - Physical review letters, 2004 - APS
Femtosecond infrared pump-probe spectroscopy of the NH mode of a stable α-helix reveals
two excited-state absorption bands, which disappear upon unfolding of the helix. A …

Fast, accurate simulation of polaron dynamics and multidimensional spectroscopy by multiple Davydov trial states

N Zhou, L Chen, Z Huang, K Sun… - The Journal of …, 2016 - ACS Publications
By employing the Dirac–Frenkel time-dependent variational principle, we study the
dynamical properties of the Holstein molecular crystal model with diagonal and off-diagonal …