Assessment of morphometric characteristics of Chakrar watershed in Madhya Pradesh India using geospatial technique
S Soni - Applied Water Science, 2017 - Springer
The quantitative analysis of the watershed is important for the quantification of the channel
network and to understand its geo-hydrological behaviour. Assessment of drainage network …
network and to understand its geo-hydrological behaviour. Assessment of drainage network …
Hydrological inferences through morphometric analysis of lower Kosi river basin of India for water resource management based on remote sensing data
Satellite based remote sensing technology has proven to be an effectual tool in analysis of
drainage networks, study of surface morphological features and their correlation with …
drainage networks, study of surface morphological features and their correlation with …
Quantitative analysis and implications of drainage morphometry of the Agula watershed in the semi-arid northern Ethiopia
This study aimed at quantitative analysis of morphometric parameters of Agula watershed
and its sub-watersheds using remote sensing data, geographic information system, and …
and its sub-watersheds using remote sensing data, geographic information system, and …
Analysis of geo-morphometric and topo-hydrological indices using COP-DEM: a case study of Betwa River Basin, Central India
The open source 30 m Copernicus DEM (COP-DEM) has been used to derive the geo-
morphometric and topo-hydrological characteristics of Betwa River Basin. Drainage network …
morphometric and topo-hydrological characteristics of Betwa River Basin. Drainage network …
Watershed prioritization for soil erosion map** in the Lesser Himalayan Indian basin using PCA and WSA methods in conjunction with morphometric parameters …
Watersheds in the subtropical Himalayan basins are highly prone to land degradation due to
deforestation, landslides, intensive agriculture, population pressure and overgrazing, in …
deforestation, landslides, intensive agriculture, population pressure and overgrazing, in …
Map** of soil erosion-prone sub-watersheds through drainage morphometric analysis and weighted sum approach: a case study of the Kulfo River basin, Rift valley …
In the present study, soil erosion prioritization of sub-watersheds of the Kulfo River basin
was conducted by adopting a drainage morphometric analysis along with a statistical …
was conducted by adopting a drainage morphometric analysis along with a statistical …
A comparative analysis of the vertical accuracy of multiple open-source digital elevation models for the mountainous terrain of the north-western Himalaya
The digital elevation model (DEM), a quantitative depiction of the topography, is crucial for
hydrological and Earth Science applications. It is essential to assess the precision of the …
hydrological and Earth Science applications. It is essential to assess the precision of the …
Prioritizing sub-watersheds for soil and water conservation via morphometric analysis and the weighted sum approach: A case study of the Geba river basin in Tigray …
Ranking watersheds according to their susceptibility to soil erosion is crucial in setting
priorities for soil and water conservation initiatives. The main intention of this work is to …
priorities for soil and water conservation initiatives. The main intention of this work is to …
Morphometric analysis using SRTM-DEM and GIS of Nagar river basin, Indo-Bangladesh barind tract
Conceptualisation of geo-hydrological characteristic of a drainage basin quantitative
measurement of morphometric parameters has been required. Assessment and …
measurement of morphometric parameters has been required. Assessment and …
Erosion risk assessment through morphometric indices for prioritisation of Arjuna watershed using ALOS-PALSAR DEM
Pressure of growing population rates and unsustainable usage of resources have greatly
affected the productivity of agricultural lands due to land degradation. In a develo** …
affected the productivity of agricultural lands due to land degradation. In a develo** …