[HTML][HTML] Climate change impacts on water security in global drylands
Water scarcity affects 1–2 billion people globally, most of whom live in drylands. Under
projected climate change, millions more people will be living under conditions of severe …
projected climate change, millions more people will be living under conditions of severe …
From woody cover to woody canopies: How Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data advance the map** of woody plants in savannas
Woody vegetation is a central component of savanna ecosystems providing ecosystem
services for local livelihoods. Accurate monitoring of woody vegetation in savannas is …
services for local livelihoods. Accurate monitoring of woody vegetation in savannas is …
Changes in vegetation greenness related to climatic and non-climatic factors in the Sudano-Sahelian region
The potential drivers of vegetation changes in the Sudano-Sahelian region of Africa remain
poorly understood due to complex interactions between climatic and anthropogenic …
poorly understood due to complex interactions between climatic and anthropogenic …
Persistence and success of the Sahel desertification narrative
The paradigm of Sahelian desertification, whose roots lie in the colonial period, increased in
popularity following the droughts of the 1970s and 1980s. This “desertification narrative” was …
popularity following the droughts of the 1970s and 1980s. This “desertification narrative” was …
[HTML][HTML] PM2.5 surface concentrations in southern West African urban areas based on sun photometer and satellite observations
JF Léon, AB Akpo, M Bedou, J Djossou… - Atmospheric …, 2021 - acp.copernicus.org
Southern West Africa (SWA) is influenced by large numbers of aerosol particles of both
anthropogenic and natural origins. Anthropogenic aerosol emissions are expected to …
anthropogenic and natural origins. Anthropogenic aerosol emissions are expected to …
50 years of woody vegetation changes in the Ferlo (Senegal) assessed by high-resolution imagery and field surveys
Woody vegetation dynamics in the Sahel have been debated since the great droughts of the
1970s–1980s. Here, we combined high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery, field …
1970s–1980s. Here, we combined high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery, field …
Contrasting responses of woody and herbaceous vegetation to altered rainfall characteristics in the Sahel
Dryland ecosystems form a major land cover, accounting for about 40% of Earth's terrestrial
surface and net primary productivity, and housing more than 30% of the human population …
surface and net primary productivity, and housing more than 30% of the human population …
Oxygen footprint: An indicator of the anthropogenic ecosystem changes
Drylands are one of the most sensitive areas to anthropogenic climate change and are
projected to experience accelerated expansion throughout the end of this century. However …
projected to experience accelerated expansion throughout the end of this century. However …
Monitoring forest cover and land use change in the Congo Basin under IPCC climate change scenarios
The Congo Basin tropical forests are home to many endemic and endangered species, and
a global hotspot for forest fragmentation and loss. Yet, little has been done to document the …
a global hotspot for forest fragmentation and loss. Yet, little has been done to document the …
[HTML][HTML] Widespread greening suggests increased dry-season plant water availability in the Rio Santa valley, Peruvian Andes
In the semi-arid Peruvian Andes, the growing season is mostly determined by the timing of
the onset and retreat of the wet season, to which annual crop yields are highly sensitive …
the onset and retreat of the wet season, to which annual crop yields are highly sensitive …