IoTDeM: An IoT Big Data-oriented MapReduce performance prediction extended model in multiple edge clouds

Z Lu, N Wang, J Wu, M Qiu - Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract Uploading all IoT Big Data to a centralized cloud for data analytics is infeasible
because of the excessive latency and bandwidth limitation of the Internet. A promising …

Resource estimation for queries in large-scale distributed database system

M Murugesan, J Shen, Y Qi - US Patent 10,762,539, 2020 - Google Patents
Disclosed are systems and methods for managing queries on on-line advertisement data.
The system includes a query engine device for receiving queries from and outputting query …

K nearest neighbour joins for big data on mapreduce: a theoretical and experimental analysis

G Song, J Rochas, L El Beze, F Huet… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 -
Given a point and a set of points, the kNN operation finds the closest points to in. It is a
computational intensive task with a large range of applications such as knowledge discovery …

Performance prediction of cloud-based big data applications

D Ardagna, E Barbierato, A Evangelinou… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
Data heterogeneity and irregularity are key characteristics of big data applications that often
overwhelm the existing software and hardware infrastructures. In such context, the exibility …

Detecting straggler MapReduce tasks in big data processing infrastructure by neural network

A Javadpour, G Wang, S Rezaei, KC Li - The Journal of Supercomputing, 2020 - Springer
Straggler task detection is one of the main challenges in applying MapReduce for
parallelizing and distributing large-scale data processing. It is defined as detecting running …

Testing MapReduce programs: A systematic map** study

J Morán, C de la Riva, J Tuya - Journal of Software: Evolution …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Context MapReduce is a processing model used in Big Data to facilitate the analysis of large
data under a distributed architecture. Objective The aim of this study is to identify and …

[PDF][PDF] An infinite hierarchy of context-free languages

SA Greibach - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1969 -
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 92 sHE~L~ A. Gm~AC~ whether there are other subAFLs and which
properties they do or do not share witty. the whole family. Here we define and study a doubly …

Predictive modelling of MapReduce job performance in cloud environments using machine learning techniques

M Bergui, S Hourri, S Najah, NS Nikolov - Journal of Big Data, 2024 - Springer
Abstract Within the Hadoop ecosystem, MapReduce stands as a cornerstone for managing,
processing, and mining large-scale datasets. Yet, the absence of efficient solutions for …

On data skewness, stragglers, and mapreduce progress indicators

E Coppa, I Finocchi - Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on …, 2015 -
We tackle the problem of predicting the performance of MapReduce applications designing
accurate progress indicators, which keep programmers informed on the percentage of …

Estimating runtime of a job in Hadoop MapReduce

N Peyravi, A Moeini - Journal of Big Data, 2020 - Springer
Hadoop MapReduce is a framework to process vast amounts of data in the cluster of
machines in a reliable and fault-tolerant manner. Since being aware of the runtime of a job is …