Real-time fusion of multi-source monitoring data with geotechnical numerical model results using data-driven and physics-informed sparse dictionary learning
Development of digital twins is emerging rapidly in geotechnical engineering, and it often
requires real-time updating of numerical models (eg, finite element model) using multiple …
requires real-time updating of numerical models (eg, finite element model) using multiple …
Developments of inverse analysis by Kalman filters and Bayesian methods applied to geotechnical engineering
A Murakami, K Fujisawa, T Shuku - … of the Japan Academy, Series B, 2023 -
The present paper reviews recent activities on inverse analysis strategies in geotechnical
engineering using Kalman filters, nonlinear Kalman filters, and Markov chain Monte Carlo …
engineering using Kalman filters, nonlinear Kalman filters, and Markov chain Monte Carlo …
Probabilistic calibration of discrete element simulations using the sequential quasi-Monte Carlo filter
The calibration of discrete element method (DEM) simulations is typically accomplished in a
trial-and-error manner. It generally lacks objectivity and is filled with uncertainties. To deal …
trial-and-error manner. It generally lacks objectivity and is filled with uncertainties. To deal …
State space model of undrained triaxial test data for Bayesian identification of constitutive model parameters
C Tang, ZJ Cao, Y Hong, W Li - Géotechnique, 2022 -
Soil constitutive model parameters can be identified from triaxial test data. The identification
is frequently performed by fitting a constitutive model to triaxial test data from a purely …
is frequently performed by fitting a constitutive model to triaxial test data from a purely …
Particle Filter based on Jaya optimisation for Bayesian updating of nonlinear models
Particle filter (PF) is a powerful and commonly used filtering technique based on Sequential
Monte Carlo framework. The main challenge in using PF for nonlinear state and parameter …
Monte Carlo framework. The main challenge in using PF for nonlinear state and parameter …
[HTML][HTML] Prediction of long-term settlement and evaluation of pore water pressure using particle filter
The present paper showcases a numerical simulation of the long-term behavior of a
foundation and an evaluation of the pore water pressure on Kobe Airport Island. To calculate …
foundation and an evaluation of the pore water pressure on Kobe Airport Island. To calculate …
Ensemble data assimilation for earthquake sequences: probabilistic estimation and forecasting of fault stresses
Our physical understanding of earthquakes, along with our ability to forecast them, is
hampered by limited indications on the current and future state of stress on faults. Integrating …
hampered by limited indications on the current and future state of stress on faults. Integrating …
Identification of nonlinear soil properties from downhole array data using a Bayesian model updating approach
An accurate seismic response simulation of civil structures requires accounting for the
nonlinear soil response behavior. This, in turn, requires understanding the nonlinear …
nonlinear soil response behavior. This, in turn, requires understanding the nonlinear …
Reducing forecast uncertainty by using observations in geotechnical engineering
M Huber - Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2016 - Elsevier
Especially in geotechnical engineering, a high level of uncertainty in the design of structures
is present. Standards and guidelines recommend the observational method for projects with …
is present. Standards and guidelines recommend the observational method for projects with …
[HTML][HTML] Prediction of embankment behavior of regulating reservoir with foundation improved by vacuum consolidation method
T Shibata, A Murakami, M Fujii - Soils and Foundations, 2014 - Elsevier
The present paper addresses the numerical prediction of the behavior of a ground and a
reservoir dyke with a retaining wall at the site of a regulating reservoir whose soft soil …
reservoir dyke with a retaining wall at the site of a regulating reservoir whose soft soil …