Seamless outdoors-indoors localization solutions on smartphones: Implementation and challenges
The demand for more sophisticated Location-Based Services (LBS) in terms of applications
variety and accuracy is tripling every year since the emergence of the smartphone a few …
variety and accuracy is tripling every year since the emergence of the smartphone a few …
Object tracking sensor networks in smart cities: Taxonomy, architecture, applications, research challenges and future directions
The development of pervasive communication devices and the emergence of the Internet of
Things (IoT) have acted as an essential part in the feasibility of smart city initiatives. Wireless …
Things (IoT) have acted as an essential part in the feasibility of smart city initiatives. Wireless …
Support vector regression for mobile target localization in indoor environments
Trilateration-based target localization using received signal strength (RSS) in a wireless
sensor network (WSN) generally yields inaccurate location estimates due to high …
sensor network (WSN) generally yields inaccurate location estimates due to high …
A smart communication architecture for ambient assisted living
Intelligent systems and communication technologies have experienced huge advances in
the last few years. AAL can benefit from mixing both research fields. This article presents an …
the last few years. AAL can benefit from mixing both research fields. This article presents an …
CASMOC: a novel complex alliance strategy with multi-objective optimization of coverage in wireless sensor networks
Coverage is a significant performance indicator of wireless sensor networks. Data
redundancy in k-coverage raises a set of issues including network congestion, coverage …
redundancy in k-coverage raises a set of issues including network congestion, coverage …
WLAN IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n Indoor Coverage and Interference Performance Study
An adequate wireless network plan is needed to replace the traditional wired LANs. A full
coverage WLAN offers the flexibility to relocate people and equipment or to reconfigure and …
coverage WLAN offers the flexibility to relocate people and equipment or to reconfigure and …
Bio-inspired swarm intelligence optimization algorithm-aided hybrid TDOA/AOA-based localization
L Cao, H Chen, Y Chen, Y Yue, X Zhang - Biomimetics, 2023 - mdpi.com
A TDOA/AOA hybrid location algorithm based on the crow search algorithm optimized by
particle swarm optimization is proposed to address the challenge of solving the nonlinear …
particle swarm optimization is proposed to address the challenge of solving the nonlinear …
[PDF][PDF] Modified Kalman Filtering Framework Based Real Time Target Tracking Against Environmental Dynamicity inWireless Sensor Networks.
One of the most widely used economical approaches to localization and tracking of mobile
target with wireless sensor networks (WSNs), is the use of received signal strength …
target with wireless sensor networks (WSNs), is the use of received signal strength …
Comparison of neural network training functions for RSSI based indoor localization problem in WSN
Indoor target localization using received signal strength indicator (RSSI) is an important
research areas in wireless sensor network (WSN) domain. The environmental issues such …
research areas in wireless sensor network (WSN) domain. The environmental issues such …
Next-generation indoor wireless systems: compatibility and migration case study
The indoor connected environment has witnessed significant research and development
attention from industries and academia due to the growing number of smaller smart indoor …
attention from industries and academia due to the growing number of smaller smart indoor …