Approximation algorithms for maximally balanced connected graph partition

Y Chen, ZZ Chen, G Lin, Y Xu, A Zhang - Algorithmica, 2021‏ - Springer
Given a connected graph G=(V, E) G=(V, E), we seek to partition the vertex set V into k non-
empty parts such that the subgraph induced by each part is connected, and the partition is …

Graph clustering-based discretization of splitting and merging methods (graphs and graphm)

K Sriwanna, T Boongoen, N Iam-On - Human-centric Computing and …, 2017‏ - Springer
Discretization plays a major role as a data preprocessing technique used in machine
learning and data mining. Recent studies have focused on multivariate discretization that …

Partitioning a graph into connected components with fixed centers and optimizing cost‐based objective functions or equipartition criteria

I Lari, F Ricca, J Puerto, A Scozzari - Networks, 2016‏ - Wiley Online Library
We consider a connected graph G with n vertices, p of which are centers, while the
remaining ones are units. For each unit‐center pair, there is a fixed assignment cost and for …

Double-fold localized multiple matrix learning machine with Universum

C Zhu - Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2017‏ - Springer
Matrix learning, multiple-view learning, Universum learning, and local learning are four hot
spots of present research. Matrix learning aims to design feasible machines to process …

Breast epithelial duct region segmentation using intuitionistic fuzzy based multi-texture image map

AD Belsare, MM Mushrif… - 2017 14th IEEE India …, 2017‏ -
Currently histology breast cancer tissue interpretation through microscope is a manual
procedure. Inter-intra-observer variability in breast cancer diagnosis by expert pathologist …

[HTML][HTML] Uniform and most uniform partitions of trees

I Lari, J Puerto, F Ricca, A Scozzari - Discrete Optimization, 2018‏ - Elsevier
This paper addresses centered and non centered equipartition tree problems into p
connected components (p-partitions). In the former case, each partition must contain exactly …

Single-image motion deblurring using an adaptive image prior

N He, K Lu, BK Bao, LL Zhang, JB Wang - Information Sciences, 2014‏ - Elsevier
Blind deblurring is the restoration of a sharp image from a blurred image when the blur
kernel is unknown. Most image deblurring algorithms impose a uniform sparse gradient prior …

Double-fold localized multiple matrixized learning machine

C Zhu, Z Wang, D Gao, X Feng - Information Sciences, 2015‏ - Elsevier
In this paper, we develop an effective multiple-matrixized learning machine named Double-
fold Localized Multiple Matrixized Learning Machine (DLMMLM). The characteristic of the …

[PDF][PDF] 基于 Universum 学

朱昌明, 吴爱华, 王健安 - 上海海事 大学 学报‏ -
为解决原始核聚类(Kernel Clustering, KC) 中模式信息不足, 聚类结果不佳的缺点, 以KC 为基础,
利用Universum 学**带来的优势, 提出基于Universum 学**的核聚类(Universum learning …

基于 Universum 学**的核聚类方法

朱昌明, 吴爱华, 王健安 - 上海海事大学学报, 2016‏ -
为解决原始核聚类(Kernel Clustering, KC) 中模式信息不足, 聚类结果不佳的缺点, 以KC 为基础,
利用Universum 学**带来的优势, 提出基于Universum 学**的核聚类(Universum …