[HTML][HTML] Are rural youth in Ethiopia abandoning agriculture?

S Bezu, S Holden - World Development, 2014 - Elsevier
This study examines current land access and livelihood choices of rural youth in Southern
Ethiopia. We found that youth in rural south have limited access to agricultural land because …

Determinants of smallholder farmers' decision to adopt adaptation options to climate change and variability in the Muger Sub basin of the Upper Blue Nile basin of …

A Amare, B Simane - Agriculture & food security, 2017 - Springer
Smallholder farmers' decisions to adopt adaptation options in response to climate change
and variability are influenced by socioeconomic, institutional, and environmental factors …

Livelihood strategies and the role of forest income in participatory-managed forests of Dodola area in the bale highlands, southern Ethiopia

Y Tesfaye, A Roos, BM Campbell, F Bohlin - Forest policy and economics, 2011 - Elsevier
To describe livelihood strategies in the context of a participatory forest management
arrangement in the Bale highlands of southern Ethiopia, data were collected using four …

Determinants of livelihood diversification strategies in Borena pastoralist communities of Oromia regional state, Ethiopia

AM Dinku - Agriculture & Food Security, 2018 - Springer
Background Livelihood diversification strategies play a key role in development process.
However, identification of the factors that determine households' choice of livelihood …

Determinants of livelihood choices: An empirical analysis from rural Bangladesh

S Rahman, S Akter - Journal of South Asian Development, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
The study identifies socio-economic determinants of livelihood choices of rural households
in Bangladesh (4,195 households from 139 villages) by applying a multinomial logit model …

Social learning through rural communities of practice: Empirical evidence from farming households in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta

TA Tran, H James, J Pittock - Learning, culture and social interaction, 2018 - Elsevier
The social-ecological systems of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD) are under stress
driven by accelerating impacts of climate change, upstream hydropower development, and …

Combining multi-dimensional scaling and cluster analysis to describe the diversity of rural households

GC Pacini, D Colucci, F Baudron, E Righi… - Experimental …, 2014 - cambridge.org
Capturing agricultural heterogeneity through the analysis of farm typologies is key with
regard to the design of sustainable policies and to the adoptability of new technologies. An …

Combining income and assets measures to include the transitory nature of poverty in assessments of forest dependence: Evidence from the Democratic Republic of …

MR Nielsen, M Pouliot, RK Bakkegaard - Ecological Economics, 2012 - Elsevier
A considerable amount of research on poverty–environment relations in develo**
countries under the CIFOR-PEN initiative focuses on household income generation from …

Transformation of household livelihoods in adapting to the impacts of flood control schemes in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta

T Tran, H James - Water resources and rural development, 2017 - Elsevier
Flood control and irrigation play a significant role in supporting rice intensification and
agricultural diversification in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Arising out of these mandatory …

Household livelihood choices under the different eco-environment in the karst area: A case study of Anshun City, southwest of China

Y Liu - Environmental Research, 2021 - Elsevier
Farmer household livelihood choice has been critical in ecosystem and natural resource
sustainability in develo** countries. This paper investigates the choices of farmer …