Crack shape coefficient: comparison between different DFOS tools embedded for crack monitoring in concrete

T Howiacki, R Sieńko, Ł Bednarski, K Zuziak - Sensors, 2023 -
The article presents research on the performance of different distributed fibre optic sensing
(DFOS) tools, including both layered cables and monolithic composite sensors. The main …

[HTML][HTML] The smart nervous system for cracked concrete structures: theory, design, research, and field proof of monolithic DFOS-based sensors

Ł Bednarski, R Sieńko, T Howiacki, K Zuziak - Sensors, 2022 -
The article presents research on the performance of composite and monolithic sensors for
distributed fibre optic sensing (DFOS). The introduction summarises the design of the …

[HTML][HTML] Distributed fibre optic sensing: Reinforcement yielding strains and crack detection in concrete slab during column failure simulation

L Buda-Ożóg, J Zięba, K Sieńkowska, D Nykiel… - Measurement, 2022 - Elsevier
Flat slab systems made of reinforced concrete (RC) are popular structural solutions widely
used in practical applications. The knowledge about their behaviour under extreme loading …

Experimental verification of GFRP bridge deck panels using an integrated distributed fiber optic sensing system

M Kulpa, T Howiacki, M Rajchel… - … of Composites for …, 2024 -
Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites are promising materials already being used in
bridge construction. Lightweight deck panels, mainly used in the rehabilitation or …

Cracks detection during early-age concrete hydration using distributed fibre optic sensing: from laboratory to field applications

R Sieńko, Ł Bednarski, T Howiacki… - … RILEM Conference on …, 2023 - Springer
The article summarises the recent examples in distributed fibre optic sensing (DFOS) as a
non-destructive approach for crack detection, especially during the hydration of early-age …

Distributed Fibre Optic Sensors (DFOS) in Measurements of Rail Strain and Displacements

Ł Bednarski, T Howiacki, R Sieńko, K Zuziak - Procedia Structural Integrity, 2024 - Elsevier
Distributed fibre optic sensing (DFOS) is increasingly used in civil engineering and
geotechnical applications. The key advantage over conventional point-based measurement …

[HTML][HTML] Using Thermal Monitoring and Fibre Optic Measurements to Verify Numerical Models, Soil Parameters and to Determine the Impact of the Implemented …

P Popielski, A Kasprzak, B Bednarz - Sustainability, 2022 -
Numerical modelling using Finite Element Method (FEM) is currently a standard procedure
for engineering complex structures and determining structure–subsoil cooperation …

Distributed strain, settlement and temperature sensing in geotechnical earth embankments

T Howiacki, R Sieńko, K Zuziak - … Engineering Challenges to …, 2024 -
Distributed fibre optic sensing (DFOS) is more and more applicable in civil and geotechnical
engineering to monitor the structural performance during construction and operation. The …

Monitorowanie tunelu i jego otoczenia z wykorzystaniem strunowej i światłowodowej techniki pomiarowej DFOS

R Sieńko, Ł Bednarski, T Howiacki, K Zuziak… - …, 2022 -
Tunel to budowla podziemna lub podwodna, z wyjściami na powierzchnię, służąca do
przeprowadzenia ciągu komunikacyjnego pod daną przeszkodą. Za jeden z najstarszych …