Colloquium: Quantum anomalous Hall effect
The quantum Hall (QH) effect, quantized Hall resistance combined with zero longitudinal
resistance, is the characteristic experimental fingerprint of Chern insulators—topologically …
resistance, is the characteristic experimental fingerprint of Chern insulators—topologically …
Axion physics in condensed-matter systems
Axions are hypothetical particles that were proposed to solve the strong charge–parity
problem in high-energy physics. Although they have long been known in quantum field …
problem in high-energy physics. Although they have long been known in quantum field …
Intrinsic magnetic topological insulators in van der Waals layered MnBi2Te4-family materials
The interplay of magnetism and topology is a key research subject in condensed matter
physics, which offers great opportunities to explore emerging new physics, such as the …
physics, which offers great opportunities to explore emerging new physics, such as the …
Imaging orbital ferromagnetism in a moiré Chern insulator
CL Tschirhart, M Serlin, H Polshyn, A Shragai, Z ** in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator
Adiabatic charge pum** is one of the most salient features of topological phases of matter,–
. Laughlin's charge pum** in a quantum Hall system is the prototypical example. In …
. Laughlin's charge pum** in a quantum Hall system is the prototypical example. In …
SQUID-on-tip with single-electron spin sensitivity for high-field and ultra-low temperature nanomagnetic imaging
Scanning nanoscale superconducting quantum interference devices (nanoSQUIDs) are of
growing interest for highly sensitive quantitative imaging of magnetic, spintronic, and …
growing interest for highly sensitive quantitative imaging of magnetic, spintronic, and …