Status and perspectives of crystalline silicon photovoltaics in research and industry
Crystalline silicon (c-Si) photovoltaics has long been considered energy intensive and
costly. Over the past decades, spectacular improvements along the manufacturing chain …
costly. Over the past decades, spectacular improvements along the manufacturing chain …
Progress in the understanding of light‐and elevated temperature‐induced degradation in silicon solar cells: a review
At present, the commercially dominant and rapidly expanding PV‐device technology is
based on the passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC) design developed at UNSW …
based on the passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC) design developed at UNSW …
The 2020 photovoltaic technologies roadmap
Over the past decade, the global cumulative installed photovoltaic (PV) capacity has grown
exponentially, reaching 591 GW in 2019. Rapid progress was driven in large part by …
exponentially, reaching 591 GW in 2019. Rapid progress was driven in large part by …
Gallium‐doped silicon for high‐efficiency commercial passivated emitter and rear solar cells
Czochralski‐grown gallium‐doped silicon wafers are now a mainstream substrate for
commercial passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC) devices and allow retention of …
commercial passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC) devices and allow retention of …
On the defect physics behind light and elevated temperature-induced degradation (LeTID) of multicrystalline silicon solar cells
J Schmidt, D Bredemeier… - IEEE Journal of …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
State-of-the-art solar cells with passivated surfaces fabricated on block-cast multicrystalline
silicon (mc-Si) wafers show a pronounced degradation in efficiency under illumination at …
silicon (mc-Si) wafers show a pronounced degradation in efficiency under illumination at …
[HTML][HTML] Hydrogen-induced degradation: Explaining the mechanism behind light-and elevated temperature-induced degradation in n-and p-type silicon
Light-and elevated temperature-induced degradation (LeTID) has been extensively studied
on p-type silicon materials with increasing evidence suggesting the involvement of …
on p-type silicon materials with increasing evidence suggesting the involvement of …
Development of advanced hydrogenation processes for silicon solar cells via an improved understanding of the behaviour of hydrogen in silicon
The understanding and development of advanced hydrogenation processes for silicon solar
cells are presented. Hydrogen passivation is incorporated into virtually all silicon solar cells …
cells are presented. Hydrogen passivation is incorporated into virtually all silicon solar cells …
The impact of different hydrogen configurations on light-and elevated-temperature-induced degradation
In this article, the impact of different hydrogen configurations and their evolution on the
extent and kinetics of light-and elevated-temperature-induced degradation (LeTID) is …
extent and kinetics of light-and elevated-temperature-induced degradation (LeTID) is …
[HTML][HTML] Lifetime instabilities in gallium doped monocrystalline PERC silicon solar cells
Gallium doped silicon is an industrially viable alternative to boron doped silicon for
photovoltaics, and is assumed to be immune from light-induced degradation. We have …
photovoltaics, and is assumed to be immune from light-induced degradation. We have …
Comprehensive review on performance, reliability, and roadmap of c‐Si PV modules in desert climates: A proposal for improved testing standard
Desert regions have emerged as ideal places for GW utility‐scale photovoltaic (PV) module
installations because of their ultra‐large spaces, abundance of high‐irradiance sunshine …
installations because of their ultra‐large spaces, abundance of high‐irradiance sunshine …