Factors influencing the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices for rice cultivation in Southeast Asia: a review
Rice cultivation plays a vital role in the Southeast Asian (SEA) economy, but it poses
environmental challenges and contributes a significant amount of greenhouse gas …
environmental challenges and contributes a significant amount of greenhouse gas …
Evaluating the roles of the farmer's cooperative for fostering environmentally friendly production technologies-a case of kiwi-fruit farmers in Meixian, China
The agricultural cooperative may significantly impact the adoption of environmentally
friendly production technologies, which eventually help the farmers with better living …
friendly production technologies, which eventually help the farmers with better living …
Innovation diffusion: the influence of social media affordances on complexity reduction for decision making
Social media is a prominent communication platform. Its active usage permeates all
generations and it is imperative that the platform be fully optimized for knowledge transfer …
generations and it is imperative that the platform be fully optimized for knowledge transfer …
Renewable energy potential of rice straw and paunch manure as bioethanol feedstocks in Central Java, Indonesia
Almost all farmers are unaware that rice straw and paunch manure are potential feedstocks
for bioethanol besides organic fertilizer, biochar, and biogas. Farmers' perceptions …
for bioethanol besides organic fertilizer, biochar, and biogas. Farmers' perceptions …
Effect of consumer skepticism on consumer Intention in purchasing green product
The image of environmentally friendly products is often seen as bad, consumer doubt that
environmentally friendly products are really made with environmentally friendly raw …
environmentally friendly products are really made with environmentally friendly raw …
Institutional strengthening of farmer group to support sustainable agriculture and food security in Pesawaran regency
Sustainable agriculture and food security can be realized through the institutional
strengthening of farmer groups, namely independent business and collective solidarity in …
strengthening of farmer groups, namely independent business and collective solidarity in …
[PDF][PDF] Respons petani terhadap penggunaan combine harvester pada waktu panen padi sawah di Kabupaten Pringsewu Provinsi Lampung
Modernisasi sektor pertanian perlu terus ditingkatkan salah satunya dengan menerapkan
mekanisasi pertanian. Tujuan dari kajian adalah melihat respons petani padi sawah …
mekanisasi pertanian. Tujuan dari kajian adalah melihat respons petani padi sawah …
Consumer attitude toward using eco-friendly plastic bags: A green marketing approach
The purposes of this study are: 1) To assess the impact of green brand positioning,
consumers' attitude toward green brands and green brand knowledge on green product …
consumers' attitude toward green brands and green brand knowledge on green product …
Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Communities in Tanggamus Regency
Global warming is a gradual increase in the earth's temperature due to greenhouse gas
emissions. Climate change impacts various sectors and is very complicated because it …
emissions. Climate change impacts various sectors and is very complicated because it …
Pengaruh Metode dan Media Penyuluhan Pertanian terhadap Adopsi Budidaya Padi Sawah
Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat adopsi petani dalam budidaya padi sawah,
mengetahui pengaruh metode penyuluhan terhadap tingkat adopsi padi sawah …
mengetahui pengaruh metode penyuluhan terhadap tingkat adopsi padi sawah …