[HTML][HTML] Inertial effects in ultrafast spin dynamics

R Mondal, L Rózsa, M Farle, PM Oppeneer… - Journal of Magnetism …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
The dynamics of magnetic moments consists of a precession around the magnetic field
direction and a relaxation towards the field to minimize the energy. While the magnetic …

[HTML][HTML] Magnetization dynamics of nanoscale magnetic materials: A perspective

A Barman, S Mondal, S Sahoo, A De - Journal of Applied Physics, 2020‏ - pubs.aip.org
Nanomagnets form the building blocks for a gamut of miniaturized energy-efficient devices
including data storage, memory, wave-based computing, sensors, and biomedical devices …

Spin inertia and auto-oscillations in ferromagnets

R Rodriguez, M Cherkasskii, R Jiang, R Mondal… - Physical Review Letters, 2024‏ - APS
Recent experimental confirmation of spin inertia in ferromagnets positions this well-
developed material class as a prime candidate for THz frequency applications. Spin-torque …

Laser-induced ultrafast magnetic phenomena

K Carva, P Baláž, I Radu - Handbook of magnetic materials, 2017‏ - Elsevier
Optical manipulation of magnetization with femtosecond laser pulses has opened a new
paradigm shift in magnetization and spin dynamics. Since the very first demonstration of …

Inertial spin dynamics in epitaxial cobalt films

V Unikandanunni, R Medapalli, M Asa, E Albisetti… - Physical review …, 2022‏ - APS
We investigate the spin dynamics driven by terahertz magnetic fields in epitaxial thin films of
cobalt in its three crystalline phases. The terahertz magnetic field generates a torque on the …

Orbitally dominated Rashba-Edelstein effect in noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnets

L Salemi, M Berritta, AK Nandy… - Nature communications, 2019‏ - nature.com
Efficient manipulation of magnetic order with electric current pulses is desirable for
achieving fast spintronic devices. The Rashba-Edelstein effect, wherein spin polarization is …

Magnetization switching in the inertial regime

K Neeraj, M Pancaldi, V Scalera, S Perna, M d'Aquino… - Physical Review B, 2022‏ - APS
We have numerically solved the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation in its standard and
inertial forms to study the magnetization switching dynamics in a 3 d thin film ferromagnet …

Time-retarded dam** and magnetic inertia in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation self-consistently coupled to electronic time-dependent nonequilibrium Green …

U Bajpai, BK Nikolić - Physical Review B, 2019‏ - APS
The conventional Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation is a widely used tool to describe
the dynamics of local magnetic moments, viewed as classical vectors of fixed length, with …

and spin interaction with meson fields generated by the baryon current in high energy nuclear collisions

LP Csernai, JI Kapusta, T Welle - Physical Review C, 2019‏ - APS
We propose a dynamical mechanism which provides an interaction between the spins of
hyperons and antihyperons and the vorticity of the baryon current in noncentral high energy …

Anomalously damped heat-assisted route for precessional magnetization reversal in an iron garnet

CS Davies, KH Prabhakara, MD Davydova… - Physical review …, 2019‏ - APS
A heat-assisted route for subnanosecond magnetic recording is discovered for the dielectric
bismuth-substituted yttrium iron garnet, known for possessing small magnetic dam**. The …