Entrepreneurship, innovation and regional growth: a network theory

R Huggins, P Thompson - Small business economics, 2015 - Springer
Despite the growing acknowledgement that entrepreneurship is an important driver of
regional innovation and growth, the role of the networks in these processes has been less …

Network capital, social capital and knowledge flow: how the nature of inter-organizational networks impacts on innovation

R Huggins, A Johnston, P Thompson - Industry and innovation, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
This paper focuses on the role of inter-organizational networks as facilitators of knowledge
flow and innovation. It introduces the concepts of network capital and network space to …

A network-based view of regional growth

R Huggins, P Thompson - Journal of Economic Geography, 2014 - academic.oup.com
The need to better understand the mechanisms underlying regional growth patterns is
widely recognized. This article argues that regional growth is partly a function of the value …

The antecedents of leadership development practices in SMEs: The influence of HRM strategy and practice

T Garavan, S Watson, R Carbery… - International Small …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
This article explores leadership development in small-and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs). We investigate determinants of the adoption of leadership development practices in …

Innovation networks: formation, performance and dynamics

U Cantner, H Graf - Handbook on the economic complexity of …, 2011 - elgaronline.com
This chapter refers to work that is concerned with the formation of innovation networks on the
one hand and their dynamics and evolution on the other hand. Although the literature on …

Regional competitiveness: Theories and methodologies for empirical analysis

R Huggins, H Izushi, P Thompson - Journal of CENTRUM …, 2013 - papers.ssrn.com
A significant forum of scholarly and practitioner-based research has developed in recent
years that has sought both to theorize upon and empirically measure the competitiveness of …

[KNYGA][B] The global competitiveness of regions

R Huggins, H Izushi, D Prokop, P Thompson - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
The aim of this book is to consider theoretically the notion of the global competitiveness of
regions, as well as giving attention as to how such competitiveness may be empirically …

[PDF][PDF] Regional competitiveness, economic growth and stages of development

R Huggins, H Izushi, D Prokop… - … Ekonomskog fakulteta u …, 2014 - hrcak.srce.hr
This paper positions the concept of regional competitiveness within theories concerning
regional economic growth and stages of economic development. It examines the sources of …

Clusters and industrial districts: Where is the literature going? Identifying emerging sub-fields of research

JL Hervas-Oliver, G Gonzalez, P Caja… - European Planning …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The industrial district and cluster literature has generated an extraordinary quantity of
articles, debates and topics for discussion, and encompasses one of the most vibrant lines of …

The relationship between innovation network and innovation capability: a social network perspective

CY Tseng, SC Lin, DC Pai, CW Tung - Technology Analysis & …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
The key for acquiring innovation capability is knowledge transmission which is primarily
based on the closer and tighter connections among businesses and other actors within …