Machine learning for musical expression: A systematic literature review
For several decades NIME community has always been appropriating machine learning
(ML) to apply for various tasks such as gesture-sound map** or sound synthesis for digital …
(ML) to apply for various tasks such as gesture-sound map** or sound synthesis for digital …
Culture and politics of machine learning in nime: A preliminary qualitative inquiry
For several years, the various practices around ML techniques have been increasingly
present and diversified. However, the literature associated with these techniques rarely …
present and diversified. However, the literature associated with these techniques rarely …
Soundwalking deep latent spaces
This paper relates an early art-research collaboration between two practitioners in machine
learning and virtual worlds toward new embodied musical experiences of Artificial …
learning and virtual worlds toward new embodied musical experiences of Artificial …
[PDF][PDF] Esteso: Interactive AI Music Duet Based on Player-Idiosyncratic Extended Double Bass Techniques
Extended playing techniques are a crucial characteristic of contemporary double bass
practice. Players find their voice by develo** a personal vocabulary of techniques through …
practice. Players find their voice by develo** a personal vocabulary of techniques through …
Towards a Machine Somaesthete: Latent Modeling of EMG Signals in Viola Playing
Somaesthetic experiential qualities can provide a window into process of meaning-making,
both human and machinic. We draw such qualities from viola performance into the design-in …
both human and machinic. We draw such qualities from viola performance into the design-in …
Modular Composition: An approach towards structural plasticity in music
This article considers modular composition as an approach to engendering structural
plasticity in musical works. Structural plasticity, in this case, is defined as the ability for the …
plasticity in musical works. Structural plasticity, in this case, is defined as the ability for the …
[PDF][PDF] Muscle-Guided Guitar Pedalboard: Exploring Interaction Strategies Through Surface Electromyography and Deep Learning
This paper explores a method to innovate the conventional interaction with a guitar
pedalboard. By analyzing muscular contractions tracked via surface Electromyography …
pedalboard. By analyzing muscular contractions tracked via surface Electromyography …
Tool or Actor? Expert Improvisers' Evaluation of a Musical AI “Toddler”
In this article, we introduce the coadaptive audiovisual instrument, CAVI. This instrument
uses deep learning to generate control signals based on muscle and motion data of a …
uses deep learning to generate control signals based on muscle and motion data of a …
[PDF][PDF] dB: A Web-based Drummer Bot for Finger-Tap**
Our body shapes our experiences [16]. Sound, the tactile sensation of a button click, or the
sight of a dancer in motion all resonate through our physical and physiological responses …
sight of a dancer in motion all resonate through our physical and physiological responses …
RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion, Department of Musicology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway osg lartillot@ imv. uio. no
Analysing electroacoustic music remains challenging, leaving this artistic treasure
somewhat out of reach of mainstream musicology and many music lovers. This chapter …
somewhat out of reach of mainstream musicology and many music lovers. This chapter …