Cohesive molecular genetic data delineate species diversity in the dinoflagellate genus Symbiodinium

EM Sampayo, S Dove, TC LaJeunesse - Molecular ecology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium) in pocilloporid corals originating
from various reef habitats surrounding Heron Island, southern Great Barrier Reef, was …

Morphology, phylogeny and taxonomy of South American bothropoid pitvipers (Serpentes, Viperidae)

PA Carrasco, CI Mattoni, GC Leynaud… - Zoologica …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Carrasco, PA, Mattoni, CI, Leynaud, GC & Scrocchi, GJ (2012). Morphology, phylogeny and
taxonomy of South American bothropoid pitvipers (Serpentes, Viperidae).—Zoologica …

Phylogenetic relationships among Staphylococcus species and refinement of cluster groups based on multilocus data

RP Lamers, G Muthukrishnan, TA Castoe… - BMC evolutionary …, 2012 - Springer
Background Estimates of relationships among Staphylococcus species have been
hampered by poor and inconsistent resolution of phylogenies based largely on single gene …

Population genetic analysis and phylogeny reconstruction in Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) using high-throughput, genome-wide genoty**

DA Steane, D Nicolle, CP Sansaloni, CD Petroli… - Molecular phylogenetics …, 2011 - Elsevier
A set of over 8000 Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) markers was tested for its utility in
high-resolution population and phylogenetic studies across a range of Eucalyptus taxa …

Evolutionary inferences based on ITS rDNA and actin sequences reveal extensive diversity of the common lichen alga Asterochloris (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta)

P Skaloud, O Peksa - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2010 - Elsevier
The genus Asterochloris is one of the most common lichen photobionts. We present a
molecular investigation of 41 cultured strains, for which nuclear-encoded ITS rDNA and …

Overlooked cryptic endemism in copepods: systematics and natural history of the calanoid subgenus Occidodiaptomus Borutzky 1991 (Copepoda, Calanoida …

F Marrone, SL Brutto, AK Hundsdoerfer… - Molecular Phylogenetics …, 2013 - Elsevier
Our comprehension of the phylogeny and diversity of most inland–water crustaceans is
currently hampered by their pronounced morphological bradytely, which contributed to the …

Dental data perform relatively poorly in reconstructing mammal phylogenies: morphological partitions evaluated with molecular benchmarks

RS Sansom, MA Wills, T Williams - Systematic Biology, 2017 -
Phylogenetic trees underpin reconstructions of evolutionary history and tests of evolutionary
hypotheses. They are inferred from both molecular and morphological data, yet the relative …

Phylogeny of the Asparagales based on three plastid and two mitochondrial genes

O Seberg, G Petersen, JI Davis, JC Pires… - American Journal of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
• Premise of the study: The Asparagales, with ca. 40% of all monocotyledons, include a host
of commercially important ornamentals in families such as Orchidaceae, Alliaceae, and …

A multi gene sequence-based phylogeny of the Musaceae (banana) family

P Christelová, M Valárik, E Hřibová… - BMC Evolutionary …, 2011 - Springer
Background The classification of the Musaceae (banana) family species and their
phylogenetic inter-relationships remain controversial, in part due to limited nucleotide …

Genetic isolation among sympatric vegetative compatibility groups of the aflatoxin‐producing fungus Aspergillus flavus

LC Grubisha, PJ Cotty - Molecular Ecology, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Aspergillus flavus, a fungal pathogen of animals and both wild and economically important
plants, is most recognized for producing aflatoxin, a cancer‐causing secondary metabolite …