Serotonin and neuroplasticity–links between molecular, functional and structural pathophysiology in depression
Serotonin modulates neuroplasticity, especially during early life, and dysfunctions in both
systems likewise contribute to pathophysiology of depression. Recent findings demonstrate …
systems likewise contribute to pathophysiology of depression. Recent findings demonstrate …
[HTML][HTML] The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in acute and chronic pain
The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is a functionally and structurally heterogeneous
region and a key node of several brain networks, implicated in cognitive, affective, and …
region and a key node of several brain networks, implicated in cognitive, affective, and …
Is meditation associated with altered brain structure? A systematic review and meta-analysis of morphometric neuroimaging in meditation practitioners
Numerous studies have begun to address how the brain's gray and white matter may be
shaped by meditation. This research is yet to be integrated, however, and two fundamental …
shaped by meditation. This research is yet to be integrated, however, and two fundamental …
Efficiency, capacity, compensation, maintenance, plasticity: emerging concepts in cognitive reserve
Cognitive reserve (CR) is a concept meant to account for the frequent discrepancy between
an individual's measured level of brain pathology and her expected cognitive performance. It …
an individual's measured level of brain pathology and her expected cognitive performance. It …
Imaging structural co-variance between human brain regions
Brain structure varies between people in a markedly organized fashion. Communities of
brain regions co-vary in their morphological properties. For example, cortical thickness in …
brain regions co-vary in their morphological properties. For example, cortical thickness in …
Plasticity in gray and white: neuroimaging changes in brain structure during learning
Human brain imaging has identified structural changes in gray and white matter that occur
with learning. However, ascribing imaging measures to underlying cellular and molecular …
with learning. However, ascribing imaging measures to underlying cellular and molecular …
Studying neuroanatomy using MRI
The study of neuroanatomy using imaging enables key insights into how our brains function,
are shaped by genes and environment, and change with development, aging and disease …
are shaped by genes and environment, and change with development, aging and disease …
[HTML][HTML] Disentangling the role of gray matter volume and concentration in autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analytic investigation of 25 years of voxel-based …
Despite over two decades of neuroimaging research, a unanimous definition of the pattern
of structural variation associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has yet to be found …
of structural variation associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has yet to be found …
Learning in the fast lane: new insights into neuroplasticity
The timescale of structural remodeling that accompanies functional neuroplasticity is largely
unknown. Although structural remodeling of human brain tissue is known to occur following …
unknown. Although structural remodeling of human brain tissue is known to occur following …
Networks of anatomical covariance
AC Evans - Neuroimage, 2013 - Elsevier
Functional imaging or diffusion-weighted imaging techniques are widely used to understand
brain connectivity at the systems level and its relation to normal neurodevelopment …
brain connectivity at the systems level and its relation to normal neurodevelopment …