[HTML][HTML] A systematic literature review and analysis of try-on technology: Virtual fitting rooms
To enhance customer satisfaction and transform negative perceptions of online apparel
shop**, fashion brands are increasingly adopting virtual fitting rooms. Despite clothing …
shop**, fashion brands are increasingly adopting virtual fitting rooms. Despite clothing …
Influence of augmented reality product display on consumers' product attitudes: A product uncertainty reduction perspective
C Sun, Y Fang, M Kong, X Chen, Y Liu - Journal of Retailing and Consumer …, 2022 - Elsevier
In the online retail market, consumers' uncertainty about products caused by the physical
separation between consumers and products has long been an obstacle. In recent years …
separation between consumers and products has long been an obstacle. In recent years …
[HTML][HTML] Examining the moderating effects of shop** orientation, product knowledge and involvement on the effectiveness of Virtual Reality (VR) retail environment
The increasing affordability of Virtual Reality (VR) presents opportunities for retail
innovation. While previous research highlighted the superiority of VR over traditional media …
innovation. While previous research highlighted the superiority of VR over traditional media …
Virtual reality's impact on destination visit intentions and the moderating role of amateur photography
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the effects of virtual reality experiences (VREs) and
emotions on holiday destination visit intentions by applying the stimulus-organism-response …
emotions on holiday destination visit intentions by applying the stimulus-organism-response …
Effect of short video ads on sales through social media: the role of advertisement content generators
J Ge, Y Sui, X Zhou, G Li - International Journal of Advertising, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
With the rapid development of e-commerce and social media in China, user-generated short
video ads through social media have become very popular. However, the unique elements …
video ads through social media have become very popular. However, the unique elements …
The roles of sensory perceptions and mental imagery in consumer decision-making
The current study examines the relationship between sensory perceptions and mental
imagery and the mechanism through which sensory perceptions and mental imagery …
imagery and the mechanism through which sensory perceptions and mental imagery …
Metaverse research: A 15-year review and research prospectus
Fifteen years ago, Davis et al.(2009) defined and described the metaverse's capabilities and
presented a foundation for research in this environment. Since then, particularly in the past …
presented a foundation for research in this environment. Since then, particularly in the past …
Impact of delightful somatosensory augmented reality experience on online consumer stickiness intention
Purpose Drawing on embodied cognition theory, this study examined the impact of midair,
gesture-based somatosensory augmented reality (AR) experience on consumer delight and …
gesture-based somatosensory augmented reality (AR) experience on consumer delight and …
Impact of multisensory extended reality on tourism experience journey
Purpose The use of extended reality (XR) to create memorable experiences has attracted
considerable attention, especially in tourism. Multisensory XR offers a new way of virtually …
considerable attention, especially in tourism. Multisensory XR offers a new way of virtually …
The impact of low-immersion virtual reality on product sales: Insights from the real estate industry
The transformation of information flow and shop** experiences on modern digital
platforms has significantly shifted. Notably, the integration of low-immersion virtual reality …
platforms has significantly shifted. Notably, the integration of low-immersion virtual reality …