ALEX: an updatable adaptive learned index
Recent work on" learned indexes" has changed the way we look at the decades-old field of
DBMS indexing. The key idea is that indexes can be thought of as" models" that predict the …
DBMS indexing. The key idea is that indexes can be thought of as" models" that predict the …
Datacenter {RPCs} can be general and fast
It is commonly believed that datacenter networking software must sacrifice generality to
attain high performance. The popularity of specialized distributed systems designed …
attain high performance. The popularity of specialized distributed systems designed …
Wisckey: Separating keys from values in ssd-conscious storage
We present WiscKey, a persistent LSM-tree-based key-value store with a performance-
oriented data layout that separates keys from values to minimize I/O amplification. The …
oriented data layout that separates keys from values to minimize I/O amplification. The …
Focus: Querying large video datasets with low latency and low cost
Large volumes of videos are continuously recorded from cameras deployed for traffic control
and surveillance with the goal of answering “after the fact” queries: identify video frames with …
and surveillance with the goal of answering “after the fact” queries: identify video frames with …
{FaSST}: Fast, Scalable and Simple Distributed Transactions with {Two-Sided}({{{{{RDMA}}}}}) Datagram {RPCs}
FaSST is an RDMA-based system that provides distributed in-memory transactions with
serializability and durability. Existing RDMA-based transaction processing systems use one …
serializability and durability. Existing RDMA-based transaction processing systems use one …
Recipe: Converting concurrent dram indexes to persistent-memory indexes
We present Recipe, a principled approach for converting concurrent DRAM indexes into
crash-consistent indexes for persistent memory (PM). The main insight behind Recipe is that …
crash-consistent indexes for persistent memory (PM). The main insight behind Recipe is that …
In-memory big data management and processing: A survey
Growing main memory capacity has fueled the development of in-memory big data
management and processing. By eliminating disk I/O bottleneck, it is now possible to support …
management and processing. By eliminating disk I/O bottleneck, it is now possible to support …
Flatstore: An efficient log-structured key-value storage engine for persistent memory
Emerging hardware like persistent memory (PM) and high-speed NICs are promising to
build efficient key-value stores. However, we observe that the small-sized access pattern in …
build efficient key-value stores. However, we observe that the small-sized access pattern in …
{MICA}: A holistic approach to fast {In-Memory}{Key-Value} storage
MICA is a scalable in-memory key-value store that handles 65.6 to 76.9 million key-value
operations per second using a single general-purpose multi-core system. MICA is over 4 …
operations per second using a single general-purpose multi-core system. MICA is over 4 …
Speedy transactions in multicore in-memory databases
Silo is a new in-memory database that achieves excellent performance and scalability on
modern multicore machines. Silo was designed from the ground up to use system memory …
modern multicore machines. Silo was designed from the ground up to use system memory …