Review of restoration technology for renewable‐dominated electric power systems
With the rapid development of renewable energy generation and multi‐energy system
technologies, reviewing and discussing the emerging power system restoration methods …
technologies, reviewing and discussing the emerging power system restoration methods …
Cooperative-game-based day-ahead scheduling of local integrated energy systems with shared energy storage
C Chen, Y Li, W Qiu, C Liu, Q Zhang… - IEEE Transactions …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the context of the current sharing economy, the application of shared energy storage
(SES) among local integrated energy systems (LIESs) is underexplored. There is an urgent …
(SES) among local integrated energy systems (LIESs) is underexplored. There is an urgent …
Distributionally robust day-ahead scheduling of park-level integrated energy system considering generalized energy storages
C Chen, X Wu, Y Li, X Zhu, Z Li, J Ma, W Qiu, C Liu… - Applied Energy, 2021 - Elsevier
The optimal scheduling of park-level integrated energy system can improve the efficiency of
energy utilization and promote the consumption level of renewable energy. However, the …
energy utilization and promote the consumption level of renewable energy. However, the …
Supply restoration of data centers in flexible distribution networks with spatial-temporal regulation
The reliable operation of Internet data centers (IDCs) is crucial to digitization transformation
of society. However, the extreme fault on the IDC-located distribution network is fatal to IDC …
of society. However, the extreme fault on the IDC-located distribution network is fatal to IDC …
A Nash bargaining model for energy sharing between micro-energy grids and energy storage
Micro-energy grids (MEGs) play a crucial role in achieving diverse energy utilization and
promoting low-carbon economies. However, the intermittent nature of distributed generation …
promoting low-carbon economies. However, the intermittent nature of distributed generation …
Optimal day‐ahead scheduling of multiple integrated energy systems considering integrated demand response, cooperative game and virtual energy storage
As the physical carrier of the Energy Internet, integrated energy system (IES) is a future
development trend in the energy field, and the optimal scheduling of IES for improving …
development trend in the energy field, and the optimal scheduling of IES for improving …
[HTML][HTML] Day-ahead joint scheduling of multiple park-level integrated energy systems considering coupling uncertainty of electricity-carbon-gas prices
In the context of carbon neutrality and energy shortage crisis, integrated energy systems
achieve low carbon emissions through efficient conversion of various energy sources …
achieve low carbon emissions through efficient conversion of various energy sources …
Hybrid energy sharing considering network cost for prosumers in integrated energy systems
The integrated energy system (IES) is developed to enhance the flexibility and efficiency of
prosumers in the energy system. However, the current energy sharing method normally …
prosumers in the energy system. However, the current energy sharing method normally …
Available transfer capability evaluation in electricity-dominated integrated hybrid energy systems with uncertain wind power: An interval optimization solution
Available transfer capability (ATC) is widely used in the deregulated electricity market to
ensure secure and reliable power trading among market participants. However, most …
ensure secure and reliable power trading among market participants. However, most …
Optimal low‐carbon scheduling of integrated local energy system considering oxygen‐enriched combustion plant and generalized energy storages
Under the background of carbon neutrality and large‐scale penetration of renewable
energy, the integrated local energy system (ILES) has been extensively recognized as an …
energy, the integrated local energy system (ILES) has been extensively recognized as an …