Stability and dynamics of active distribution networks (ADNs) with D-PMU technology: A review
Massive integration of converter-interfaced distributed energy resources (CDERs) has
resulted in many emerging stability issues and significantly complicated the dynamics of …
resulted in many emerging stability issues and significantly complicated the dynamics of …
Precision micro-synchrophasors for distribution systems: A summary of applications
This paper describes high-level findings from an innovative network of high-precision
phasor measurement units (PMUs), or micro-PMUs (μPMUs), designed to provide an …
phasor measurement units (PMUs), or micro-PMUs (μPMUs), designed to provide an …
[HTML][HTML] Advanced distribution measurement technologies and data applications for smart grids: A review
The integration of advanced measuring technologies in distribution systems allows
distribution system operators to have better observability of dynamic and transient events. In …
distribution system operators to have better observability of dynamic and transient events. In …
Waldo: A private time-series database from function secret sharing
Applications today rely on cloud databases for storing and querying time-series data. While
outsourcing storage is convenient, this data is often sensitive, making data breaches a …
outsourcing storage is convenient, this data is often sensitive, making data breaches a …
Time series management systems: A survey
The collection of time series data increases as more monitoring and automation are being
deployed. These deployments range in scale from an Internet of things (IoT) device located …
deployed. These deployments range in scale from an Internet of things (IoT) device located …
Sprintz: Time series compression for the internet of things
Thanks to the rapid proliferation of connected devices, sensor-generated time series
constitute a large and growing portion of the world's data. Often, this data is collected from …
constitute a large and growing portion of the world's data. Often, this data is collected from …
Apache iotdb: A time series database for iot applications
A typical industrial scenario encounters thousands of devices with millions of sensors,
consistently generating billions of data points. It poses new requirements of time series data …
consistently generating billions of data points. It poses new requirements of time series data …
Power systems big data analytics: An assessment of paradigm shift barriers and prospects
Electric power systems are taking drastic advances in deployment of information and
communication technologies; numerous new measurement devices are installed in forms of …
communication technologies; numerous new measurement devices are installed in forms of …
[PDF][PDF] Design of an effective ontology and query processor enabling portable building applications
G Fierro - … Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of …, 2019 - eecs.berkeley.edu
The US Department of Energy reports that commercial buildings constituted 47% of all
energy consumed in the US in 2017 [107]. On average, 30% of this energy is wasted [34] …
energy consumed in the US in 2017 [107]. On average, 30% of this energy is wasted [34] …
Vstore: A data store for analytics on large videos
We present VStore, a data store for supporting fast, resource-efficient analytics over large
archival videos. VStore manages video ingestion, storage, retrieval, and consumption. It …
archival videos. VStore manages video ingestion, storage, retrieval, and consumption. It …