Mercury porosimetry as a tool for improving quality of micro-CT images in low porosity carbonate rocks
N Fusi, J Martinez-Martinez - Engineering Geology, 2013 - Elsevier
The combined use of Hg-impregnation and microCT scanning is a powerful tool for detecting
structural and textural features in low porosity massive carbonate rocks. Hg-impregnation of …
structural and textural features in low porosity massive carbonate rocks. Hg-impregnation of …
Ultrasonic and X-ray computed tomography characterization of progressive fracture damage in low-porous carbonate rocks
This paper studies the fracturing process in low-porous rocks during uniaxial compressive
tests considering the original defects and the new mechanical cracks in the material. For this …
tests considering the original defects and the new mechanical cracks in the material. For this …
The effect of the crack initiation and propagation on the P-wave velocity of limestone and plaster subjected to compressive loading
Since many large-scale projects such as tunnels, boreholes constructed for extracting gas
and oil and underground excavations for the disposal of chemical wastes are being …
and oil and underground excavations for the disposal of chemical wastes are being …
Research on fabric characteristics and borehole instability mechanisms of fractured igneous rocks
X Liu, H Zhu, L Liang - Petroleum Science, 2013 - Springer
There are favorable exploration prospects in igneous rock reservoirs. However, problems of
borehole instability occur frequently during drilling igneous formations, which is a serious …
borehole instability occur frequently during drilling igneous formations, which is a serious …
[PDF][PDF] The Effect of the Crack Initiation and Propagation on the P-Wave Velocity of Limestone and Plaster Subjected to Compressive Loading
T Asheghi, A Fahimifar, F Asemi -
Since many large-scale projects such as tunnels, boreholes constructed for extracting gas
and oil and underground excavations for the disposal of chemical wastes are being …
and oil and underground excavations for the disposal of chemical wastes are being …