Exploiting statically schedulable regions in dataflow programs
Dataflow descriptions have been used in a wide range of Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
applications, such as multi-media processing, and wireless communications. Among various …
applications, such as multi-media processing, and wireless communications. Among various …
Reconfigurable video coding on multicore
I Amer, C Lucarz, G Roquier… - IEEE Signal …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This article provides an overview of the main objectives of the new RVC standard, with an
emphasis on the features that enable efficient implementation on platforms with multiple …
emphasis on the features that enable efficient implementation on platforms with multiple …
Quasi-static scheduling of CAL actor networks for reconfigurable video coding
J Boutellier, C Lucarz, S Lafond, VM Gomez… - Journal of Signal …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract The upcoming Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC) standard from MPEG (ISO/IEC
SC29WG11) defines a library of coding tools to specify existing or new compressed video …
SC29WG11) defines a library of coding tools to specify existing or new compressed video …
[PDF][PDF] Efficient scheduling policies for dynamic dataflow programs executed on multi-core
M Michalska, N Zufferey… - 9th International …, 2016 - access.archive-ouverte.unige.ch
An important challenge of dataflow program implementations on multi-core platforms is the
partitioning and scheduling providing the best possible throughput when satisfying multiple …
partitioning and scheduling providing the best possible throughput when satisfying multiple …
Reconfigurable video coding: Objectives and technologies
C Lucarz, I Amer, M Mattavelli - 2009 16th IEEE International …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The main objective of the MPEG Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC) standard is to
establish a framework for a more flexible usage of standard video coding technology. The …
establish a framework for a more flexible usage of standard video coding technology. The …
Quasi-static scheduling for fine-grained embedded multiprocessing
J Boutellier - 2009 - oulurepo.oulu.fi
Designing energy-efficient multiprocessing hardware for applications such as video
decoding or MIMO-OFDM baseband processing is challenging because these applications …
decoding or MIMO-OFDM baseband processing is challenging because these applications …
Dataflow modeling for reconfigurable signal processing systems
Nowadays, adaptive signal processing systems have become a reality. Their development
has been mainly driven by the need of satisfying diverging constraints and changeable user …
has been mainly driven by the need of satisfying diverging constraints and changeable user …
Tools and methodologies for system-level design
S Bhattacharyya, W Wolf - EDA for IC System Design, Verification …, 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter introduces video applications and some system-on-chip (SoC) architecture that
may be the targets of system-level design tools. It discusses models of computation and …
may be the targets of system-level design tools. It discusses models of computation and …
Efficient task-based code generation for sdf graph execution on multicore processors
G Georgakarakos, J Lilius - 2018 Conference on Design and …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The dataflow programming paradigm is a flexible and efficient methodology to describe
parallel algorithms and optimize their scheduling and map** in emerging multicore …
parallel algorithms and optimize their scheduling and map** in emerging multicore …
Методи і засоби проєктування спеціалізованих конвеєрних обчислювачів на базі ПЛІС для обробки сигналів
АА Молчанова - 2023 - ela.kpi.ua
Анотація Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора філософії за
спеціальністю 123—Комп'ютерна інженерія.—Національний технічний університет …
спеціальністю 123—Комп'ютерна інженерія.—Національний технічний університет …