Vanadium oxide: phase diagrams, structures, synthesis, and applications
Vanadium oxides with multioxidation states and various crystalline structures offer unique
electrical, optical, optoelectronic and magnetic properties, which could be manipulated for …
electrical, optical, optoelectronic and magnetic properties, which could be manipulated for …
Recent advances and perspectives for solar-driven water splitting using particulate photocatalysts
The conversion and storage of solar energy to chemical energy via artificial photosynthesis
holds significant potential for optimizing the energy situation and mitigating the global …
holds significant potential for optimizing the energy situation and mitigating the global …
Dye-sensitized solar cells strike back
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) are celebrating their 30th birthday and they are attracting
a wealth of research efforts aimed at unleashing their full potential. In recent years, DSCs …
a wealth of research efforts aimed at unleashing their full potential. In recent years, DSCs …
Oxide–and silicate–water interfaces and their roles in technology and the environment
Interfacial reactions drive all elemental cycling on Earth and play pivotal roles in human
activities such as agriculture, water purification, energy production and storage …
activities such as agriculture, water purification, energy production and storage …
Photocatalytic Z‐scheme overall water splitting: recent advances in theory and experiments
Photocatalytic water splitting is considered one of the most important and appealing
approaches for the production of green H2 to address the global energy demand. The …
approaches for the production of green H2 to address the global energy demand. The …
Key Strategies for Enhancing H2 Production in Transition Metal Oxide Based Photocatalysts
Transition metal oxides (TMOs) were one of the first photocatalysts used to produce
hydrogen from water using solar energy. Despite the emergence of many other genres of …
hydrogen from water using solar energy. Despite the emergence of many other genres of …
Non-adiabatic excited-state molecular dynamics: Theory and applications for modeling photophysics in extended molecular materials
Optically active molecular materials, such as organic conjugated polymers and biological
systems, are characterized by strong coupling between electronic and vibrational degrees of …
systems, are characterized by strong coupling between electronic and vibrational degrees of …
Recent advances and perspectives on nonadiabatic mixed quantum–classical dynamics
Nonadiabatic mixed quantum–classical (NA-MQC) dynamics methods form a class of
computational theoretical approaches in quantum chemistry tailored to investigate the time …
computational theoretical approaches in quantum chemistry tailored to investigate the time …
Thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) path toward efficient electroluminescence in purely organic materials: molecular level insight
Conspectus Since the seminal work of Tang and Vanslyke in 1987 on small-molecule
emitters and that of Friend and co-workers in 1990 on conjugated-polymer emitters, organic …
emitters and that of Friend and co-workers in 1990 on conjugated-polymer emitters, organic …
Graphitic Carbon Nitride (gC3N4)-Based Photocatalysts for Artificial Photosynthesis and Environmental Remediation: Are We a Step Closer To Achieving …
As a fascinating conjugated polymer, graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) has become a new
research hotspot and drawn broad interdisciplinary attention as a metal-free and visible-light …
research hotspot and drawn broad interdisciplinary attention as a metal-free and visible-light …