Civil society participation model: forest and land fire prevention policy in Jambi Province
This study aimed to analyze the factors that influence community participation in forest and
land fire prevention. The focus of this research is on Jambi Province. This study used a …
land fire prevention. The focus of this research is on Jambi Province. This study used a …
Data Indo InaPeat: An Environmental Monitoring Platform on Peatlands Area and PHU (Peat Hydrological Units) using Earth Engine Apps
Peat is one of the wetland ecosystems in Indonesia which is often damaged due to
unsustainable human intervention. This causes fires in peatlands, thereby eliminating …
unsustainable human intervention. This causes fires in peatlands, thereby eliminating …
Makrofungi telah lama menarik perhatian para ilmuwan dan masyarakat karena peran
penting mereka dalam kehidupan manusia dan lingkungan. Namun, informasi tentang …
penting mereka dalam kehidupan manusia dan lingkungan. Namun, informasi tentang …
Hubungan curah hujan dan titik panas (hotspot) kebakaran di Hutan Lindung Gambut (HLG) Londerang, Provinsi Jambi
EI Putra, RF Husni - Journal of Tropical Silviculture, 2021 - journal.ipb.ac.id
Jambi merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki tingkat kerawanan kebakaran yang
tinggi di Indonesia. Salah satu kawasan gambut di Jambi yang pernah terbakar hebat pada …
tinggi di Indonesia. Salah satu kawasan gambut di Jambi yang pernah terbakar hebat pada …
Pengetahuan tentang Pembelajaran Berbasis Mind Map QR-Code oleh Pendidik
N Yusro, R Vebrianto… - Milenial: Journal for …, 2021 - ejournal.anotero.org
This study aims to determine the extent of knowledge about teaching and learning,
especially the QR-code mind map by educators. The research method used is an online …
especially the QR-code mind map by educators. The research method used is an online …
Development and empowerment of peatland ecosystem (analysis of the peat ecosystem recovery and development program in the Districts of Kutai Kartanegara and …
M Zulkarnain, R SN, D Owin Jamasy - International Journal of …, 2020 - ur.aeu.edu.my
The province of East Kalimantan has significant peatlands. Covering an area of 700,000 HA,
spread across Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kutai Regency and West Kutai Regency …
spread across Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kutai Regency and West Kutai Regency …
Growth Increase of Gelam (Melaleuca Leucadendron) Burnt Peatland Through the Provision of Soil Conditioner (Study in Londerang Peat Protection Forest)
The protected forest of Londerang Jambi is an area of hydrological unity with a surface area
of 12.484 ha that is located in the district of Tanjung Timur and Muaro Jambi, which is …
of 12.484 ha that is located in the district of Tanjung Timur and Muaro Jambi, which is …
Pengetahuan dan Keterlibatan Perempuan Dalam Mitigasi Kebakaran di Kawasan Hutan Lindung Gambut (HLG) Londerang:(Women's Knowledge and Involvement …
Abstract Londerang Protected Peat Forest (HLG) is one of the peat forests in Jambi Province
that experienced fires in 2019. The most felt impact of peat forest fires is smoke haze, which …
that experienced fires in 2019. The most felt impact of peat forest fires is smoke haze, which …
Studi Peraturan Desa Terkait Konservasi Lahan Gambut
UM Janah - 2021 - repository.unja.ac.id
Peraturan desa adalah kebijakan dalam bidang penyelenggaraan pemerintah desa.
Konsep peraturan desa hijau merupakan konsep yang ditawarkan dalam mengatur …
Konsep peraturan desa hijau merupakan konsep yang ditawarkan dalam mengatur …
Burung-Burung Yang Berpotensi Sebagai Indikator Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut Di Taman Hutan Raya Orang Kayo Hitam Provinsi Jambi
Upaya rehabilitasi perlu dilakukan terhadap ekosistem gambut yang terdegradasi. Burung
dapat dijadikan indikator lingkungan terhadap keberhasilan rehabilitasi yang dilakukan …
dapat dijadikan indikator lingkungan terhadap keberhasilan rehabilitasi yang dilakukan …