Noble-metal-free nanocatalysts for hydrogen generation from boron-and nitrogen-based hydrides
Hydrogen has attracted much attention as a globally accepted clean energy carrier.
Currently, the search for safe and efficient hydrogen storage materials is one of the most …
Currently, the search for safe and efficient hydrogen storage materials is one of the most …
Ammonia–borane and amine–borane dehydrogenation mediated by complex metal hydrides
This review is a comprehensive survey of the last 10 years of research on ammonia–borane
and amine–borane dehydrogenation mediated by complex metal hydrides (CMHs), within …
and amine–borane dehydrogenation mediated by complex metal hydrides (CMHs), within …
Dehydrogenation and related reactions catalyzed by iridium pincer complexes
Since the seminal reports by Shaw and co-workers in the mid-1970s, 1-7 the chemistry of
pincer-ligated transition-metal complexes has experienced tremendous development and …
pincer-ligated transition-metal complexes has experienced tremendous development and …
Ammonia-borane and related compounds as dihydrogen sources
We recently reviewed the latest developments in the chemistry of amine-and phosphine-
borane adducts R3E· BR′ 3 (R, R′) alkyl, aryl, halogen, or H etc., E) N or P) where we …
borane adducts R3E· BR′ 3 (R, R′) alkyl, aryl, halogen, or H etc., E) N or P) where we …
Amine− and phosphine− borane adducts: new interest in old molecules
A Staubitz, APM Robertson, ME Sloan… - Chemical …, 2010 - ACS Publications
Chem. Rev. 2010, 110, 4023–4078 4023 10.1021/cr100105a 2010 American Chemical
Society Published on Web 07/14/2010 dates from the 19th century. Since 2000, these …
Society Published on Web 07/14/2010 dates from the 19th century. Since 2000, these …
B–N compounds for chemical hydrogen storage
Hydrogen storage for transportation applications requires high volumetric and gravimetric
storage capacity. B–N compounds are well suited as storage materials due to their light …
storage capacity. B–N compounds are well suited as storage materials due to their light …
Liquid‐phase chemical hydrogen storage: catalytic hydrogen generation under ambient conditions
There is a demand for a sufficient and sustainable energy supply. Hence, the search for
applicable hydrogen storage materials is extremely important owing to the diversified merits …
applicable hydrogen storage materials is extremely important owing to the diversified merits …
One-step seeding growth of magnetically recyclable Au@ Co core− shell nanoparticles: highly efficient catalyst for hydrolytic dehydrogenation of ammonia borane
Magnetically recyclable Au@ Co core− shell nanoparticles were successfully synthesized in
a one-step seeding-growth process within a few minutes. They were thermally stable and …
a one-step seeding-growth process within a few minutes. They were thermally stable and …
Will we soon be fueling our automobiles with ammonia–borane?
TB Marder - Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
As we burn our way through the petroleum resource which took many millions of years to
form, and we generate large amounts of the greenhouse gas, CO2, as well as other …
form, and we generate large amounts of the greenhouse gas, CO2, as well as other …
Single‐ended transition state finding with the growing string method
PM Zimmerman - Journal of computational chemistry, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Reaction path finding and transition state (TS) searching are important tasks in
computational chemistry. Methods that seek to optimize an evenly distributed set of …
computational chemistry. Methods that seek to optimize an evenly distributed set of …