Rolling the dice: Recent results in probabilistic social choice
F Brandt - Trends in computational social choice, 2017 -
When aggregating the preferences of multiple agents into one collective choice, it is easily
seen that certain cases call for randomization or other means of tiebreaking. For example, if …
seen that certain cases call for randomization or other means of tiebreaking. For example, if …
When are elections with few candidates hard to manipulate?
In multiagent settings where the agents have different preferences, preference aggregation
is a central issue. Voting is a general method for preference aggregation, but seminal results …
is a central issue. Voting is a general method for preference aggregation, but seminal results …
A short introduction to computational social choice
Computational social choice is an interdisciplinary field of study at the interface of social
choice theory and computer science, promoting an exchange of ideas in both directions. On …
choice theory and computer science, promoting an exchange of ideas in both directions. On …
How hard is bribery in elections?
We study the complexity of influencing elections through bribery: How computationally
complex is it for an external actor to determine whether by paying certain voters to change …
complex is it for an external actor to determine whether by paying certain voters to change …
Computational social choice
Social choice theory concerns the design and formal analysis of methods for aggregating
the preferences of multiple agents. Examples of such methods include voting procedures …
the preferences of multiple agents. Examples of such methods include voting procedures …
Determining possible and necessary winners given partial orders
Usually a voting rule requires agents to give their preferences as linear orders. However, in
some cases it is impractical for an agent to give a linear order over all the alternatives. It has …
some cases it is impractical for an agent to give a linear order over all the alternatives. It has …
[PDF][PDF] Improved bounds for computing Kemeny rankings
Voting (or rank aggregation) is a general method for aggregating the preferences of multiple
agents. One voting rule of particular interest is the Kemeny rule, which minimizes the …
agents. One voting rule of particular interest is the Kemeny rule, which minimizes the …
AI's war on manipulation: Are we winning?
AI Magazine Page 1 It was a late evening in Bitotia. The next day was going to be a big day:
Citizens of Bitotia would once and for all establish which byte order was better, big-endian (B) …
Citizens of Bitotia would once and for all establish which byte order was better, big-endian (B) …
Using complexity to protect elections
Using complexity to protect elections Page 1 74 communications of the acm | november
2010 | vol. 53 | no. 11 review articles IL Lu s t r a t Io n B y m e LV In g a L a p o n For …
2010 | vol. 53 | no. 11 review articles IL Lu s t r a t Io n B y m e LV In g a L a p o n For …
Eliciting single-peaked preferences using comparison queries
V Conitzer - Proceedings of the 6th international joint conference on …, 2007 -
Voting is a general method for aggregating the preferences of multiple agents. Each agent
ranks all the possible alternatives, and based on this, an aggregate ranking of the …
ranks all the possible alternatives, and based on this, an aggregate ranking of the …