Levitodynamics: Levitation and control of microscopic objects in vacuum
BACKGROUND Levitation of large objects has become a widely used technique in science
and engineering, and the control of levitated nano-and micro-objects in vacuum has gained …
and engineering, and the control of levitated nano-and micro-objects in vacuum has gained …
Mesoscopic physics of nanomechanical systems
Nanomechanics has brought mesoscopic physics into the world of vibrations. Because
nanomechanical systems are small, fluctuations are significant, the vibrations already …
nanomechanical systems are small, fluctuations are significant, the vibrations already …
Spin entanglement witness for quantum gravity
Understanding gravity in the framework of quantum mechanics is one of the great
challenges in modern physics. However, the lack of empirical evidence has lead to a debate …
challenges in modern physics. However, the lack of empirical evidence has lead to a debate …
Gravitational decoherence
We discuss effects of loss of coherence in low energy quantum systems caused by or related
to gravitation, referred to as gravitational decoherence. These effects, resulting from random …
to gravitation, referred to as gravitational decoherence. These effects, resulting from random …
Realization of a complete Stern-Gerlach interferometer: Toward a test of quantum gravity
The Stern-Gerlach effect, found a century ago, has become a paradigm of quantum
mechanics. Unexpectedly, until recently, there has been little evidence that the original …
mechanics. Unexpectedly, until recently, there has been little evidence that the original …
Fast quantum interference of a nanoparticle via optical potential control
We introduce and theoretically analyze a scheme to prepare and detect non-Gaussian
quantum states of an optically levitated particle via the interaction with light pulses that …
quantum states of an optically levitated particle via the interaction with light pulses that …
Quantum rotations of nanoparticles
Rotations of microscale rigid bodies exhibit pronounced quantum phenomena that do not
exist for their centre-of-mass motion. By levitating nanoparticles in ultra-high vacuum …
exist for their centre-of-mass motion. By levitating nanoparticles in ultra-high vacuum …
Motional dynamical decoupling for interferometry with macroscopic particles
We extend the concept of dynamical decoupling from spin to mechanical degrees of
freedom of macroscopic objects, for application in interferometry. In this manner, the …
freedom of macroscopic objects, for application in interferometry. In this manner, the …
Probing massless and massive gravitons via entanglement in a warped extra dimension
Gravity's quantum nature can be probed in a laboratory by witnessing the entanglement
between the two quantum systems, which cannot be possible if gravity is a classical entity. In …
between the two quantum systems, which cannot be possible if gravity is a classical entity. In …
Single-spin magnetomechanics with levitated micromagnets
We demonstrate a new mechanical transduction platform for individual spin qubits. In our
approach, single micromagnets are trapped using a type-II superconductor in proximity of …
approach, single micromagnets are trapped using a type-II superconductor in proximity of …