The challenge of abstract concepts.
Abstract Abstract concepts (“freedom”) differ from concrete ones (“cat”), as they do not have
a bounded, identifiable, and clearly perceivable referent. The way in which abstract …
a bounded, identifiable, and clearly perceivable referent. The way in which abstract …
Language as a disruptive technology: abstract concepts, embodiment and the flexible mind
G Dove - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society …, 2018 - royalsocietypublishing.org
A growing body of evidence suggests that cognition is embodied and grounded. Abstract
concepts, though, remain a significant theoretical challenge. A number of researchers have …
concepts, though, remain a significant theoretical challenge. A number of researchers have …
[KNIHA][B] Words as social tools: An embodied view on abstract concepts
AM Borghi, F Binkofski - 2014 - Springer
1.1 Abstract Concepts and Word Meanings: How to Define Them?.............................. 1 1.2
Abstraction and Abstractness......................... 3 1.2. 1 Abstractness and the Glue of …
Abstraction and Abstractness......................... 3 1.2. 1 Abstractness and the Glue of …
Eye movements during mental time travel follow a diagonal line
Recent research showed that past events are associated with the back and left side,
whereas future events are associated with the front and right side of space. These spatial …
whereas future events are associated with the front and right side of space. These spatial …
Eye movements reveal mental looking through time
People often make use of a spatial “mental time line” to represent events in time. We
investigated whether the eyes follow such a mental time line during online language …
investigated whether the eyes follow such a mental time line during online language …
Nature and nurture effects on the spatiality of the mental time line
F Anelli, G Peters-Founshtein, Y Shreibman… - Scientific Reports, 2018 - nature.com
The nature-nurture debate regarding the origin of mental lines is fundamental for cognitive
neuroscience. We examined natural-nurture effects on the mental time line, applying three …
neuroscience. We examined natural-nurture effects on the mental time line, applying three …
Kee** track of time: Horizontal spatial biases for hours, days, and months
In many Western cultures, the processing of temporal words related to the past and to the
future is associated with left and right space, respectively–a phenomenon known as the …
future is associated with left and right space, respectively–a phenomenon known as the …
How do you hold your mouse? Tracking the compatibility effect between hand posture and stimulus size
In kee** with the idea that observing objects activates possible motor responses, several
experiments revealed compatibility effects between the hand postures used to report a …
experiments revealed compatibility effects between the hand postures used to report a …
Time in the eye of the beholder: Gaze position reveals spatial-temporal associations during encoding and memory retrieval of future and past
Time is grounded in various ways, and previous studies point to a “mental time line” with
past associated with the left, and future with the right side. In this study, we investigated …
past associated with the left, and future with the right side. In this study, we investigated …
[PDF][PDF] Do potential past and future events activate the Left-Right Mental Timeline?
Current evidence provides support for the idea that time is mentally represented by spatial
means, ie, a left-right mental timeline. However, available studies have tested only factual …
means, ie, a left-right mental timeline. However, available studies have tested only factual …