Being on the inside: a research methodology for data collection within the inner circle of the domain of video game translation/localization in Thailand

K Techawongstien - Qualitative Research Journal, 2024 -
Purpose The Thai video game domain has witnessed substantial growth in recent years.
However, many games enjoyed by Thai players are in foreign languages, with only a …

Netnography of fan localization on social media releases: Observation of Overwatch (OW) and Overwatch League (OWL)

DMH Chen - Media and Intercultural Communication: A …, 2024 -
The fanbase of the Overwatch series and its esports competition, Overwatch League, has
witnessed numerous enthusiasts, who are dedicated to fan localization of diversified social …

Smartphones and 'doing community'in Bangkok's platform economy: A Weberian analysis

D McFarlane, Y Mieruch, T Waters - New Media & Society, 2025 -
This article examines emergent communities of platform-based delivery workers in Bangkok
by applying Max Weber's concept of Vergemeinschaftung or 'doing community'. Using offline …

The Informal Screen Media Economy of Ukraine

K Sivak - 2023 -
This research explores informal film translation (voice over and subtitling) and distribution
(pirate streaming and torrenting) practices in Ukraine, which together comprise what I call …

Social Media as a Source of Data in Qualitative Research: Principles and Considerations

F Dehghan - Qualitative Research Methods for Dissertation …, 2025 -
Advances in text-based and communicative technologies such as social media have
provided researchers with a new source of data. To add to the existing literature, this chapter …

[PDF][PDF] Exploring the Microethics of Fansub Communities in Mainland China: A vignette analysis focused on analytical ethical decision-making

M Zhou - 2024 -
The present study examines the microethics (Komesaroff, 2008) of fansub communities in
Mainland China, with a focus Chi ee fa bbe ee da ethical practices. Despite the strong moral …

The visibility of Chinese game localizers on Gcores: Personal branding, networking, business collaboration, and game distribution

M Chen - L10N Journal, 2024 -
The study aims to shed light on the content-sharing activities of Chinese game localizers on
Gcores (机核), a Chinese game medium. Two main research questions are discussed. First …

No todo es odio o celebración: El lugar de las voces disonantes en torno a las políticas feministas universitarias

B Trzenko, MV Imperatore, ML Bagnato - 2024 -
El propósito del presente artículo es abocarse, desde la perspectiva analítica del giro
afectivo, a la comprensión de las voces disonantes identificadas en tres facultades de la …

[PDF][PDF] Entre plataformas de reparto y redes de repartidores: reflexiones desde una etnografía para Internet durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

S Milena Agudelo-Londoño… - Revista de …, 2024 -
ES Resumen: Durante 2020, en la génesis de la pandemia por COVID-19, iniciamos una
investigación sobre el trabajo en plataformas de reparto digital. Las políticas de contención …

Making Menopause: An Ethnography Inside and Outside of the Clinic

L Redfern - 2024 -
In recent years, the UK has seen an unprecedented rise in public interest and awareness
surrounding the topic of menopause. Occupying a fraught and often contradictory …