Driving a decade of change: HIV/AIDS, patents and access to medicines for all
Since 2000, access to antiretroviral drugs to treat HIV infection has dramatically increased to
reach more than five million people in develo** countries. Essential to this achievement …
reach more than five million people in develo** countries. Essential to this achievement …
[KIRJA][B] Schumpeterian analysis of economic catch-up: Knowledge, path-creation, and the middle-income trap
K Lee - 2013 - books.google.com
One of the puzzles about why some countries have stronger economic growth than others
revolves around the so-called'middle-income trap', the situation in which a country that has …
revolves around the so-called'middle-income trap', the situation in which a country that has …
[KIRJA][B] Creating a learning society: A new approach to growth, development, and social progress
JE Stiglitz, BC Greenwald - 2014 - degruyter.com
in remedying the obvious lacuna in their analyses: the former have not shown that
competitive markets with innovation are pareto efficient, and the latter have not been able to …
competitive markets with innovation are pareto efficient, and the latter have not been able to …
[KIRJA][B] Multinational enterprises and the global economy
JH Dunning, SM Lundan - 2008 - books.google.com
For many years to come this volume... is surely going to be the ultimate reference work on
international business... thanks to Dunning and Lundan, have at their disposal, a wealth of …
international business... thanks to Dunning and Lundan, have at their disposal, a wealth of …
China as number one? Evidence from China's most recent patenting surge
AGZ Hu, P Zhang, L Zhao - Journal of Development Economics, 2017 - Elsevier
China overtook the US in 2011 to become the country filing the largest number of patent
applications. Has China's patenting ascendancy been propelled by Chinese firms' …
applications. Has China's patenting ascendancy been propelled by Chinese firms' …
[HTML][HTML] Functionalization of cellulose fibers and paper with lanthanide-based luminescent core/shell nanoparticles providing 3-level protection for advanced anti …
The increasingly wide-spreading falsification of documents, clothing, and packaging has a
negative impact on every aspect of the global markets. Therefore, the development of high …
negative impact on every aspect of the global markets. Therefore, the development of high …
Appropriate intellectual property protection and economic growth in countries at different levels of development
This paper examines how the role of patents and utility models in innovation and economic
growth varies by level of economic development. Using a panel dataset of over 70 countries …
growth varies by level of economic development. Using a panel dataset of over 70 countries …
[KIRJA][B] The implementation game: the TRIPS agreement and the global politics of intellectual property reform in develo** countries
C Deere - 2008 - books.google.com
With the launch of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, its Agreement on Trade-
Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) emerged as a symbol of coercion in …
Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) emerged as a symbol of coercion in …
[KIRJA][B] India and the knowledge economy: leveraging strengths and opportunities
CJ Dahlman, A Utz - 2005 - books.google.com
" In the global knowledge economy of the twenty-first century, India's development policy
challenges will require it to use knowledge more effectively to raise the productivity of …
challenges will require it to use knowledge more effectively to raise the productivity of …
[KIRJA][B] Private rights and public problems: The global economics of intellectual property in the 21st century
KE Maskus - 2012 - books.google.com
Consumers constantly confront intellectual property rights (IPRs) every day, from their
morning cup of Starbucks coffee to the Intel chip on their computer at work. Intellectual …
morning cup of Starbucks coffee to the Intel chip on their computer at work. Intellectual …