[HTML][HTML] Structural characteristics of the main resinous stands from Southern Carpathians, Romania
The purpose of this study, which contains historical data recorded over a period of 40 years,
was to identify the main factors that influence and control the level of wood mass production …
was to identify the main factors that influence and control the level of wood mass production …
Influence of climatic, site and stand characteristics on some structural parameters of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests situated on degraded lands from east …
The ecological restoration of degraded lands has significance in countries where their
deterioration process covers large periods of time. The present paper starts by establishing …
deterioration process covers large periods of time. The present paper starts by establishing …
The effect of seed coat color grading on height of one-year-old container-grown Scots pine seedlings planted on post-fire site
AI Novikov, V Ivetić - IOP Conference Series: Earth and …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
The basis for the present research is an alternative hypothesis about the existence of
significant differences between morphometric parameters of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) …
significant differences between morphometric parameters of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) …
[PDF][PDF] The influence of fires on the biological activity of forest soils in Vrancea, Romania.
Soils are influenced by stand composition and hydrological regime as well as by stress
abiotic factors, including forest fires. As such, this study analyzed three stands affected by …
abiotic factors, including forest fires. As such, this study analyzed three stands affected by …
[HTML][HTML] Determining the Anti-Erosion Efficiency of Forest Stands Installed on Degraded Land
Erosion caused by human activities is one of the reasons for forest soil degradation
worldwide, with a direct impact on forest stands development, including reduced forest …
worldwide, with a direct impact on forest stands development, including reduced forest …
The effect of climatic changes over some Romanian forest ecosystems
C Constandache, L Dinca, L Popovici… - International …, 2018 - search.proquest.com
The climatic changes effects manifested through extreme meteorological phenomena (wind,
temperatures, precipitations) are highly affecting forest vegetation. A rare meteorological …
temperatures, precipitations) are highly affecting forest vegetation. A rare meteorological …
[HTML][HTML] Structural Characteristics of the Pine Stands on Degraded Lands in the South-East of Romania, in the Context of Climate Changes
C Cristinel, T Ciprian, L Popovici, V Radu, V Crișan… - Applied Sciences, 2024 - mdpi.com
The present research was carried out in stands of Scots pine and black pine, pure or mixed
with deciduous trees, installed on degraded lands from the Curvature Subcarpathian area …
with deciduous trees, installed on degraded lands from the Curvature Subcarpathian area …
Tree growth variability in Pinus nigra plantations modulated by climate and soil properties
AQ Alla, E Pasho, S Shallari - European Journal of Forest Research, 2024 - Springer
To understand and manage Mediterranean forested ecosystems under a changing climate,
forest managers require improved knowledge of forest plantations ability to adaptat to …
forest managers require improved knowledge of forest plantations ability to adaptat to …
[PDF][PDF] Protecting surface water resources through silvicultural methods.
C Constandache, L Dinca, NC Tudose, C Panaitescu - 2018 - dspace.incdecoind.ro
Water was considered an inexhaustible natural resource until reality has proven its reverse.
Climatic changes increase the pressure on surface runoff and groundwater, amplifying …
Climatic changes increase the pressure on surface runoff and groundwater, amplifying …
[PDF][PDF] Некоторые результаты апробации технологии сепарации по количественному признаку семян сосны обыкновенной
АИ Новиков - Известия Санкт-Петербургской лесотехнической …, 2019 - spbftu.ru
69 Компенсационный характер восстановления лесов для реализации интенсивной
модели лесопользования требует качественного, селекционноулучшенного …
модели лесопользования требует качественного, селекционноулучшенного …