[HTML][HTML] Structural characteristics of the main resinous stands from Southern Carpathians, Romania

G Murariu, L Dinca, N Tudose, V Crisan, L Georgescu… - Forests, 2021 - mdpi.com
The purpose of this study, which contains historical data recorded over a period of 40 years,
was to identify the main factors that influence and control the level of wood mass production …

Influence of climatic, site and stand characteristics on some structural parameters of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests situated on degraded lands from east …

R Vlad, C Constandache, L Dinca… - Range Management …, 2019 - indianjournals.com
The ecological restoration of degraded lands has significance in countries where their
deterioration process covers large periods of time. The present paper starts by establishing …

The effect of seed coat color grading on height of one-year-old container-grown Scots pine seedlings planted on post-fire site

AI Novikov, V Ivetić - IOP Conference Series: Earth and …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
The basis for the present research is an alternative hypothesis about the existence of
significant differences between morphometric parameters of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) …

[PDF][PDF] The influence of fires on the biological activity of forest soils in Vrancea, Romania.

A Oneț, L Dincă, A Teușdea, V Crișan… - Environmental …, 2019 - researchgate.net
Soils are influenced by stand composition and hydrological regime as well as by stress
abiotic factors, including forest fires. As such, this study analyzed three stands affected by …

[HTML][HTML] Determining the Anti-Erosion Efficiency of Forest Stands Installed on Degraded Land

M Moldovan, I Tăut, FA Rebrean, B Szilard, ID Arion… - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Erosion caused by human activities is one of the reasons for forest soil degradation
worldwide, with a direct impact on forest stands development, including reduced forest …

The effect of climatic changes over some Romanian forest ecosystems

C Constandache, L Dinca, L Popovici… - International …, 2018 - search.proquest.com
The climatic changes effects manifested through extreme meteorological phenomena (wind,
temperatures, precipitations) are highly affecting forest vegetation. A rare meteorological …

[HTML][HTML] Structural Characteristics of the Pine Stands on Degraded Lands in the South-East of Romania, in the Context of Climate Changes

C Cristinel, T Ciprian, L Popovici, V Radu, V Crișan… - Applied Sciences, 2024 - mdpi.com
The present research was carried out in stands of Scots pine and black pine, pure or mixed
with deciduous trees, installed on degraded lands from the Curvature Subcarpathian area …

Tree growth variability in Pinus nigra plantations modulated by climate and soil properties

AQ Alla, E Pasho, S Shallari - European Journal of Forest Research, 2024 - Springer
To understand and manage Mediterranean forested ecosystems under a changing climate,
forest managers require improved knowledge of forest plantations ability to adaptat to …

[PDF][PDF] Protecting surface water resources through silvicultural methods.

C Constandache, L Dinca, NC Tudose, C Panaitescu - 2018 - dspace.incdecoind.ro
Water was considered an inexhaustible natural resource until reality has proven its reverse.
Climatic changes increase the pressure on surface runoff and groundwater, amplifying …

[PDF][PDF] Некоторые результаты апробации технологии сепарации по количественному признаку семян сосны обыкновенной

АИ Новиков - Известия Санкт-Петербургской лесотехнической …, 2019 - spbftu.ru
69 Компенсационный характер восстановления лесов для реализации интенсивной
модели лесопользования требует качественного, селекционноулучшенного …