Bioreactor engineering for recombinant protein production in plant cell suspension cultures
A review of over 15 years of research, development and commercialization of plant cell
suspension culture as a bioproduction platform is presented. Plant cell suspension culture …
suspension culture as a bioproduction platform is presented. Plant cell suspension culture …
Biotechnology in agriculture
RW Herdt - Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour., 2006 -
▪ Abstract The consequences of the invention of DNA-based molecular techniques and their
application to agriculture have been pervasive. This review examines the key consequences …
application to agriculture have been pervasive. This review examines the key consequences …
Functional stacking of three resistance genes against Phytophthora infestans in potato
Functional stacking of broad spectrum resistance (R) genes could potentially be an effective
strategy for more durable disease resistance, for example, to potato late blight caused by …
strategy for more durable disease resistance, for example, to potato late blight caused by …
[KNIHA][B] Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Cereals, Volume 2
RJ Singh, PP Jauhar - 2006 -
Summarizing landmark research, Volume 2 of this essential series furnishes information on
the availability of germplasm resources that breeders can exploit for producing high-yielding …
the availability of germplasm resources that breeders can exploit for producing high-yielding …
Cytokinin promotes catalase and ascorbate peroxidase activities and preserves the chloroplast integrity during dark-senescence
HA Zavaleta-Mancera, H López-Delgado… - Journal of plant …, 2007 - Elsevier
Increased oxidative stress displayed during dark-senescence of wheat leaves (Triticum
aestivum L.) is caused not only by the increased levels of radicals but also by a loss of …
aestivum L.) is caused not only by the increased levels of radicals but also by a loss of …
Factors affecting somatic embryogenesis and transformation in modern plant breeding
Somatic embryogenesis and transformation systems are indispensable modern plant
breeding components since they provide an alternative platform to develop control …
breeding components since they provide an alternative platform to develop control …
Influence of the cell wall on intracellular delivery to algal cells by electroporation and sonication
To assess the cell wall's role as a barrier to intracellular delivery, wild-type Chlamydomonas
reinhardtii algal cells and mutant cells lacking a cell wall were exposed to electroporation or …
reinhardtii algal cells and mutant cells lacking a cell wall were exposed to electroporation or …
In search of new tractable diatoms for experimental biology
Diatoms are a species‐rich group of photosynthetic eukaryotes, with enormous ecological
significance and great potential for biotechnology. During the last decade, diatoms have …
significance and great potential for biotechnology. During the last decade, diatoms have …
Magnetofection approach for the transformation of okra using green iron nanoparticles
Climate change, pesticide resistance, and the need for develo** new plant varieties have
galvanized biotechnologists to find new solutions in order to produce transgenic plants. Over …
galvanized biotechnologists to find new solutions in order to produce transgenic plants. Over …
Banana breeding: progress and challenges
M Pillay, A Tenkouano - 2011 -
With the current world population growth of 1.2%, the earth can expect to house 9-10 billion
people by 2050. Food production, too, must increase to accommodate these numbers. Easy …
people by 2050. Food production, too, must increase to accommodate these numbers. Easy …