Bowling together by bowling alone: Social capital and Covid-19

F Borgonovi, E Andrieu - Social science & medicine, 2020 - Elsevier
Social capital describes the social bonds that exist within a community and comprises norms
of reciprocity and trust as well as social relationships and social networks. We use data from …

Conceptual overview of resilience: History and context

T Taşan-Kok, D Stead, P Lu - Resilience thinking in urban planning, 2012 - Springer
This chapter aims to explore the historical roots of the concept of resilience in the context of
urban planning. The simplest definition of resilience in this case is the capacity of a system …

Creating community networks: Can sporting events offer meaningful sources of social capital?

L Misener, DS Mason - Managing leisure, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Hosting sporting events has emerged as a means for cities to reposition themselves in an
increasingly competitive global marketplace. Despite the widespread use of sporting events …

[PDF][PDF] Social capital and natural resource management

T Claridge - Unpublished Thesis, University of …, 2004 -
The appeal of social capital stems from its intriguing integration of sociology and economics
that some authors have heralded as a very important conceptual innovation or inter and …

Cultural heritage in building and enhancing social capital

M Murzyn‐Kupisz, J Działek - Journal of Cultural Heritage …, 2013 -
Purpose–Culture and cultural heritage are usually included in the general discussions on
the construction of social capital and its impact on socio‐economic development. Despite …

Partnerships and public procurement: building social capital through supply relations

A Erridge, J Greer - Public Administration, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
As one means of dealing with an increasingly interdependent or shared power 'noone in
charge'world (Bryson and Crosby 1992) and adapting the public sector to the demands of …

[PDF][PDF] Capacity building: Facilitating citizen participation in local governance.

M Cuthill, J Fien - Australian journal of public administration, 2005 -
The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) suggests that local
government, as the level of government closest to the people, has an important role to play …

[КНИГА][B] Public Procurement

L Knight, C Harland, J Telgen, KV Thai, G Callender… - 2012 -
The public sector represents about 40 to 45 per cent of many economies in the developed
world in terms of spend on providing services and procuring from the private sector …

Social and cultural capitals in tourism resource governance: the essential lenses for community focussed co-management

MSU Rahman, D Simmons, MC Shone… - Journal of Sustainable …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper investigates the relative importance of social and cultural capitals in (re) sha**
a tourism resource governance approach for supporting sustainable livelihood outcomes …

The influence of social capital on environmental policy instruments

N Jones, CM Sophoulis, T Iosifides… - Environmental …, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
The literature connecting social capital with natural resources management has increased
significantly in the past decade. Several studies have indicated that higher levels of social …